About me: art is my life.
my attempts at it: dA , flickr
music is my way of drowning out the world
i love electric guitars, pianos, and boys who sing like girls.
my volume level is higher than yours.
passion fruit tea is best served with 18 shots of sweetner.
south park is epic.
sci fi is fascinating.
hugs are the highlight of my day.
i hate the sound of my own voice,
i like talking to people where they can't hear me.
aim = treeeeehugggerrr
eye contact is terrifying.
math is incredibly easy.
and the speed limit is just a suggestion.
i HATE shopping (unless it's at best buy).
i want to join the geek squad.
im the second most perverted girl you will ever meet
most of my friends are guys.
video games can be your best friend and your worst enemy.
but i will totally pwn your face at rockband.
"you're a food-aholic!" "you mean i'm a fatty.?"
if you want me to love you: bring me food.
thai, to be specific.
i love animals, i don't eat them.
you will obey mah authoritah!
and p.s. i think i'm a dinosaur; i will randomly rawr at you.
Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs!