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God's beloved C

About Me

Christian MySpace Graphicshope is gone when I abandon my love. A life of lost and broken promises. waving as they go bye. A life that I claim is separate but yet is so alike the people that surround me. When will the moments of complete devotion and faithfulness surround my character. I want so desperately to die so the days of compromise can end. To be present with the Lord is to be alive in Christ. I long to shake my self of what seems to be a disease that is flooding my thoughts and emotions, my actions and my vision. o to put to rest the things of life and pick up the things of Christ. O to make my natural supernaturalmany people will probably criticize my theories in this text but it will all be in a lack of righteousness in their own lives. I believe that this is a true word for a truly dying generation. My purpose of this is not to criticize you or put you down in any way. If you through up rejection of this text then you are throwing up rejection on the mere morals of the living Christ. If you do not have a issue with having a worldly appetites then you might not want to read this.The Bird Song

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Christian MySpace Graphics It would be easy to sit here and lie about my life and try and make you think I do everything according to the purpose of God. The truth be told I am a sinner healed by grace and mercy just like anyone else. I strive to show the glory of the face of Jesus every moment of my day. I know I wake up every morning and begin the day with a prayer to my father. weather it is just be a soft love song or an intese banging expression. I give God the glory in the morning, so his face will be the one shining through the day... not me. shine
Add to My Profile | More Videos I love to have long walks on the beach and play the harmonica...NotI love the place God has me at. I am at a point in my life where growing with God is the most important thing I can do. Even if its not the cool thing to do, I am pushing into God and puting my flesh under my feet where it belongs. God has been showing me that I am victorious. I have decided to put my dating relationships on hold until I can put God first. I tend to put my relationship with girls over my relationship with God. So I am holding off until God gives me the go ahead. You shuold try it. Its hard but I know it is so worth it.

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Christian MySpace Graphics I find that the more I hunger the deeper I go. My father holds nothing from me. He has placed all the necesary tools at my disposal. I am a son of God. What would the father hold from his beloved. In knowing this I find I am able to walk in so much more power. God has and is making me a warior for His army. A set apart chosen victor in the sight of God. The more I move into my calling the more he opens up to me. The more I cry out in hunger and eagerness the more closer and deeper I go with my Father. If you could only know the awsome presence of God. You would drop all addictions, you would seek his face in reverence, you would never be dead again.God that you would lead and guide us into your awesome promises. That we would begin to claim your spoken promises. The ones you placed before us ages ago. You set the stars in the sky to show that you are real, still we rejected you. You Gave us all we could ever long for and posess still we rejected you. You showed us how to love still we show you hate. You tought us how to pray still we keep silent. you anointed are feet but still we slumber. you gave us your son still we spit in your face. You gave us a promise for a better day know we move. We claim life over our generation. We claim the blood of the Son over our nation. we claim victory over our prayer and relationships. we claim salvation over the land. We will now posess forward movement. Our day's of defeat are over. the power of Jesus is our banner. we are walking in His name crumbling the enemy's plans for our lives. we now deflesh are selves and push into Christ.
Christian MySpace Graphics
Christian MySpace Graphics


when Will the songs of the saints rise.The cries of a nation for freedom. Are intercession is going to reach the ears of God. The prayers for spiritual freedom. When are nation turns from its inmorality. O the hope for a nation of purity. A nation seeking the heart of the father. I pray that are nation would step into a new hunger. that we would break of the hunger for fame, money, and sex. turn to the hunger for purity, and love, and campassion. I feel as though God is calling for a cleansing. He is going to began to cleans a nation full of fatherless children. He is going to began to showar the love of his presents on the poor in spirit. He is going to break off a new genaration. one that won't live in the norm. But will excete human flesh. One that won't be limited. One that will be a true Christian.David Crowder Band - Everything Glorious
Add to My Profile | More Videos God showed me that we have not died yet but we are on our way. It is our job as christians to interceed for the lost. If we are so focused on where they are headed we will lost hope push forward with the understanding that there is still hope for this nation it is just going to take prayer and fasting day and night on its behalf. Don't lose hope yet because their still is hope. &videoid=1175518


I love gladiator, Zolander, napoliaen dinomite
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Christian MySpace Graphics

My Blog


As I was walking to my car tonight I was taken by a group of whoshes (Girls that reveal to much). O how my heart brakes for the naive. They live to please because they do not know any other way to liv...
Posted by Benjamin on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 11:43:00 PST


As I gaze into a mirror I see a reflection that seems to carry with it the same look. I look through the flesh and am able to see the depth of what I would call my soul. I see the hidden parts in...
Posted by Benjamin on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 11:07:00 PST


Last week I was in my car driving from my hotel, or my place of work. I began to pray to God crying out to him. Driving down the road I was asking the father why it seemed as though my life was n...
Posted by Benjamin on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 10:00:00 PST


why are things done at a distance. we observe the decline of history but yet push away and get into a zone that we find entertainable to our selves. We stand back in fear of defilment. We tend to...
Posted by Benjamin on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 05:36:00 PST


Tonight I have found my self on my nease crying. I get so emotional at times it seems. Over things that I my have no control over. I tend to view my life trying despritly to change the inner me n...
Posted by Benjamin on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 10:05:00 PST


When the norm of society breaks through to case depravity. whose voice will calm the storms of remorse and justice. For our very standerds of liberty are being striped from our communites. Having to f...
Posted by Benjamin on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 09:39:00 PST


As Drizzles of rain fall all over the ground. I sit in wonder of the restoration. O how I wish that the very thing in the fiscal can turn into the things of the supernatural. That ...
Posted by Benjamin on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 12:40:00 PST


I was thinking today about society. We have been getting drilled with notions that are world is a wonderful place. That the world is only improving. did you ever stop to think abou...
Posted by Benjamin on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 12:10:00 PST


In my own studies as a follower of the living Christ I have found that the morals of are God is not wavering. Many people in today's church claim they long for a change in the youth of America. The ge...
Posted by Benjamin on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 10:59:00 PST


Posted by Benjamin on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 09:36:00 PST