I like bad movies |
I like bad movies. No, I mean REALLY BAD MOVIES. Some other things to know about me:1: I read lips2: I speak french3: I LOVE math and science4: I am really 78 years old (and also a fibber! I'm only 29... Posted by on Thu, 14 May 2009 00:16:00 GMT |
Boot Camp For The Soul |
Oh, Tony Hoagland, why did you write this poem about my soul? Tony HoaglandDoing This I'm driving back and forthon the gravel lanebefore the two-room, stucco house of the woman I love. She's inside,ma... Posted by on Wed, 13 May 2009 08:10:00 GMT |
Gandhi’s first letter to Hitler 23/7/’39 |
Gandhi's first letter to Hitler 23/7/'39
Dear friend,
Friends have been urging me to write to you for the sake of humanity. But I have resisted their request, because of the feeling that any letter ... Posted by on Thu, 06 Nov 2008 13:53:00 GMT |
again..... |
To those who voted:
Thank you for contributing to the society that I live in. I don't care if you cast a different vote than I did. I respect you, and your right to disagree with me. Thank you for res... Posted by on Tue, 04 Nov 2008 22:06:00 GMT |
What are you so afraid of?? |
1. Spiders (I have been sampled by 5 black widows, 1 wolf spider, and one spider of unknown lineage.)
2. living in a post-apocalyptic world ... Posted by on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 12:05:00 GMT |