I'm entrepreneur, designer, daughter, sister and terribly human.
I enjoy NYC and its' nightlife. However, I prefer a quiet night out over a large crowd any day. I LOVE seeing live music - I try to catch a show at least once a week, or two in an evening.
Quick Facts:
I have seemed to have gone from regular, to decaf, and then back to espresso on a regular basis.
I was born 3 months early, and intravenously fed a mixture of breast milk & Guinness.
I love listening to people speak with accents. I feel I am one step closer to understanding another language.
I am currently learning how to speak German.
My mother speaks 4 languages fluently, and of course I pick one that she can't help me with (smart, eh?)
I like having my picture taken, despite the fact I dislike the way I photograph.
I still get scared on planes.
Apple juice is the drink of Gods.
Coke - not Pepsi. Lemonade rules them all.
Tomatos are lethal.
I made mix tapes for a lot of ex-boyfriends and upon seeing High Fidelity, I knew I was not alone.
I love to quote phrases. Even though I may forget the source.
I never make time for myself.
I'm a prof. Psychic: Sorry, I can't fix broken!
I do not, although others do, think I am a geek.