My name's Ryan Jarred Bedard, and chances are you've probably never heard of me before. That's okay don't feel bad, it's happened numerous times before. If you've ever met me face to face you've probably thought "Wow he doesn't talk much. That must mean he's uninteresting and that he's not interested in what I'm talking about". This could be true, but about 90% it's just because I don't have anything worth saying. That's how I am. I cut the bullshit, don't do small talk, and unfortunately that's apparently everything I'm supposed to be able to do. Our society is based on interacting with people, my field of study is basically knowing how people operate and how to interact with them. That contradiction is one of many that I have.
 Right now I'm in a band called A Voice; Cinematic. I play rhythm guitar, stage left. I'm also trying to get together a punk/alternative/experimental band to write lead guitar parts and vocals, but that's in the making right now. Music is essentially one of my two loves. The other is film/movies and as I insinuated before that is my field of study and most of it revolves around interacting with people.
   High school was terrible and hopefully college will be as great as everyone portrays it to be. I'm going to the University of Central Florida and look forward to every second I get to spend there. I'm not an idiot, and I realize studying is the reason I'm going there, so I'm not going to screw it up by partying every night. I have my priorities in line and hope it turns into a great experience I'll be able to tell everyone about. I've been fortunate to have a small circle of true friends, and I've been able to enjoy the time we've had together. I know that eventually we'll go our separate ways, but until that time comes I've decided to make the best of things.
   The single life is apparently the one thing that people in relationships want if things are going bad. I don't see what's so God-damned special about it, but that's their perogative. I don't really care anymore, I'm just trying to survive. I have low self confidence anyway so if someone comes along, great, but chances are I'll die in a hole of isolation where my best friend will be the hard work that I put into every project that I've come across. Might as well make my mark on this world eh? That's who I am. I don't care if you don't like me. I've accepted that fact. Live the dream, it'll be worth it.