CLICK HERE FOR PICTURES Hello, my name is [Tenari].
I am not [fake] like a lot of people are these days.
I will never [compromise] myself for your pleasure.
I am currently [vegetarian] but plan to go vegan.
I am greatly inspired by [music, photography, and fashion].
I must say that I [hate] posers and this town comes with plenty.
I always read my [horoscope] every single day.
I guarantee you my [weekends] are worse than yours.
I have trouble [admitting] to others how I really am feeling.
I have always had an unhealthy [addiction] to love songs.
I am quite an [expert] when it comes to over exaggerating.
I want to [modify] things in my life because I am not perfect.
I plan on getting [snakebites] sometime soon.
I am currently [half] way there after waiting four years.
I make all my own [graphics] so its obvious if you take them.
I spend most of my time browsing the [internet].
I am always interested in making new [friends].
I am probably the most [indecisive] person you will meet.
I believe that [peace] will never truly exist in this world.
I have big [dreams] in life and will succeed all of them one day.
I am most interested in pursuing a career in [fashion photography].
I also would like to do some [modeling/acting] sometime in life.
I want to move to [West Hollywood] some point after high school.
I work with [graphic/web] design in my spare time.
I want to [help] other people who are in need.
I have always wanted to [compose/produce] music.
I know what I want to [accomplish] in life.
I know that it is all [possible] to do.
This is my life and [nothing] you say can change it. I'm Sacramento's: my work: