My name is KathrYn, with a Y, call me Kate.
I love Harry Potter, books and movies.
Jabbawockeez and Super Cr3w are my homeboys.
I can quote movies like you wouldn't believe.
I laugh way more than a normal person should.
I wish I was a ghost hunter.
Musicals are the "Shiz" (I hope someone gets that).
I don't think I like sushi, but I want to. Its trendy.
I can't stand when people throw down, they look stupid.
I make pretzels, I can't wait to quit.
I'm about to have a bachelors in international business and I have no idea what I'm going to do with it.
I detest confrontation.
I don't really like talking on the phone, text 24/7.
Sabres and Steelers make me yell at the tv.
Claudio Sanchez and M. Shadows, enough said.
That commercial with the abused animals makes me cry. Sonic commercials make me cry because I laugh so hard.
I'm really good at video games.
I'm 22 and my liver hates me.
I often sit on my roof at 2 AM.
My cat used to be nice, now he's mean.
My friends are freakin sweet.
I sing REALLY loud when I'm driving.
I am terrified of spiders.
I have a camera so that I can piece together the night before.
The Office is the funniest show in the history of shows. I love comedians like Demetri and Kyle and Daniel, yeah were on a first name basis.
I'm an aunt, but I rarely see my neice.
I often forget that beverages contain calories.
The California chicken sandwich at Red Robin is deliciously messy.
I miss playing Loaded Questions :)
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