Sinus (Zoltan Sarnyai) was born on February 25th, 1980 in the sign of Pisces. He lives in Magyarkanizsa. He has shown a great interest in music at a very young age, started taking piano lessons when he was only 8 years old. Soon he realises that he isnt that interested in classical music and decides to quit piano. From that point on he focuses all he free time on listening to radio shows and recording favorite songs too cassettes (at that time...). In 1997 he lands a residency in a local discoteque named ..Oz Dancing Bar.., where he played fresh dancefloor hits of that time. In 1998 he visits a nearby club (First Club) where he was deeply influenced with techno and house sounds. From that point on he turned his back on mainstream music and ..went undergound... He starts gathering fresh techno tracks and applying them on his gigs at the Oz Dancing Bar which eventually lead to the point where the management of the club said that this kind of music isnt suitable for there uses... So his residency at Oz Dancing Bar ends. Since he had no more obligations, he decide to move to Budapest, Hungary and spend a whole year there. In Budapest, he further discovers all the ..underground.. genres of electronic music and shows a great interest in a more mellow sound of progressive house which stuck with him till this day. In early 2002 he meets DJ Rose from whom he learned a lot and is very greatfull for it. With his help he managed to land more and more gigs in various clubs. Also in 2002 he teams up with DJ Egg and successfully organises a few parties under the name ..Progression.. in his home town of Magyarkanizsa. In 2006 he meets Phobos, an aspireing young DJ with whom he came to a perfect musical understanding.
Nowdays, he tries not to bound himself to one musical style but to incorporate many melodic electronic genres. With his 2005 promo mix named ..Keep it Rocking.. he made it to 3 mayor radio stations including the hungarian Roxy Radio which issued a live phone interview with him as well.
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