A dark & yet not so dark figure
Techno,ambient,trance,rave,electronica,psychedelic,progressi v techno +++++
sci-fi movies,series,anime,manga,horror, some examples: Dark City,Ringenes Herre, Aliens trilogy,Hellboy,Taken,The Thing,Stargate,Blade Runner, Amelie fra Montmarte, Butterfly Effect, Abyss, Dune trilogy, AI, Minority Report, K-Pax, The Island, Femte Element, 12 Monkeys, City of Lost Children, Gudfaren trilogy, Chronichles Of Riddick, Labyrinth, Hero, Flyvende Dolker, Final Fantasy, Wonderful Days, Spirited Away, Kill Bill 1-2, XMen trilogy, Det Store Blå, Sjokolade, O Brother Where Art Thou, The Others, American Beauty, Sleepy Hollow, The Big Lebowski, Pulp Fiction, Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy, Loop, Monthy Python filmene, Resident Evil, Constantine, Heat, Grand Canyon, Babel....and MUCH more :))
All books from authors like: Peter F Hamilton, C Sagan, Fred Hoyle, HP Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe, Stephen Hawkins, Heinlein, Stephen Baxter, Alaistair Reynolds, Tolkien, Stephen Donaldson,Arthur C Clarke, Philip K Dick, Dan Simmons, Isaac Asimov, Walter John Williams, Anne Mc Caffrey, Frank Herbert, Dante, Robert Jordan, Kim Stanley Robinson...etc etc...all books related to sci-fi, fantasy, conspiracy Theories, Illuminati, The Grey Brotherhood, The Elite, Occult, Magical Books..