About Me
I suppose i have my bro Buzz 2 thank 4 gettin me in 2 the rave scene at the tender age of about 13! it was about the time i started 2 sneak in 2 his bedroom an bang out all his latest jungle while he was out workin or whatever, sorry bro. He was a bit of a rudeboy on the dex an i suppose it was jus a matter of time b4 i was at it 2. I started a nite of my own in 2001 cause there was fuck all on where i used 2 live in newbury. The nite was called Dubrollerz an was made up of me, triplex, detail, mc macular, leeroy the congo frenzy, Toby C and not forgetting dj Silky or Asbo as he like 2 be called nowdays. We put on some good little nites an raised nuff dollar for the McMillain Cancer Trust. After a while a lot of us moved out of newbs an started playin else where in da country but we plan on doing another dubrollerz nite soon so watch this space RG14. It wasnt long b4 we basically burnt all bridges with any half good venues so i decided 2 shoot of 2 exeter an have a bash at playing up down round there bay! 1 of the first people i hooked up was james gill who hooked me up set at jam the channell, then i met with g-rich an Junction 30 an the rest of the dibdub crew Big Up Kai, Dave, Justin, Karl & Penfold. These bros have been puttin 1 of the best nites in devon for over 5 years where anything big dub an heavy is cranked every month. check the dibdubsoundsystem page an watch out for phat nites at a club near you...Peace! Oh yeah Big ups: Tadams, super magz, major buzz, nickski, peacockolock, purbster, harki, tody, triplex, mc macular, asbo, danja, sa,dr s gachet, bartlett, alex nz, dj sammy c, mc manic an freefall collective, mezza, christian, max, will an eeeeeerr anybody else i forgot......which is prob few! laterA