Red lights. Joy. Trying to discover what to do with the precious life G_d has given me.
Those who appreciate subtleties in food, art, and other people.
First of all, since my first listen I never became tired of the Talking Heads, The Smiths, John Cale, or Belle and Sebastian. Secondly, my latest obsessions are Harlem Shakes, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Panda Bear, Lucky Soul, Of Montreal, The Postmarks, The Ponys, Cold War Kids, and The Raveonettes.
Annie Hall. Anything Muppets. True Stories (written and directed by David Byrne--it has shaped every aspect of my present life).
I'd rather sleep.
Right now I'm wading my way through Everything in Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer, Skip Kidd: Book 1, The Timeless Way of Building, and rereading The Brothers Karamazov.
Joe Creep because he ate a whole fish with his bare hands. Andrew J. Smithson because he saved me from attempting to cauterize my throat while I was under the influence of fever.