Sianicus! profile picture


fall into you is all i seem to do, when i hit the bottle cos i'm afraid to be alone

About Me

hi iam Sian. iam 16. people ask me wat my stlye is and i say myself but u always get the idiots calling me an emo!!! my music stlye is quite rock emo wat eva u wanna call it. iam a fab person. i go to the bourne school and have amazing friends who all stick together. my best mate is emma shes fab. i wanna be an actress lol yeah right. i'm very over my head if ya know wat i mean. i have high expectations for myself as i don't want to let anyone down, especially the people i love n owe everything 2. when i leave school i going to southdowns college and studying 2 drama courses (1 of which is A level), law and english main big ambishion in life is to act as thts the one thing i can do (not trying to sound big headed) but if it doesn't happen then i will become a professional bum, i think i would be good. i'm know as a scatty minded person i can be crazy but thts me which is cool and iam a nice person all in all. one of the weirdest things i have done is i went to readin festival when i was 11 and it was fab. the most beautiful thing that i have ever seen in the view from the eiffal tower its wonderful and so peaceful (until ur mate leans u ove the edge lol) and disney land rocks, sorry i have a fetish for france and use and oreos and beef jerkey no wonder i'm the size of a house lol i'm a lil party animal yes k i like 2 drink and yes k can't control it who cares i don't lol in the words of bon jove " its my life its now or never i ain't gonna live forever) and its true i won't no one wil thts life!! i say life each day like its ur last ya neva no wats round the corner!!!!!!!
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My Interests

same old same old hangin out wit ma mates..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
The longest and best getting to know you survey around
What's your name?: sian
Ever used any other names?: shaun
Do you have any nicknames?: shaun siany siany siany wench
Where were you born?: scotland
Where do you live now?: southbourne
When were you born?: march 29th 1991
What is your sign?: aries
What is your Chinese zodiac sign?: ram
Are you married/single/divorced/widowed/taken?: taken
Do you have any children?: no
What are your parents names?: gill and paul
Do you have any siblings?: yes
Are you closer to your Mom or Dad?: yes mum no dad seeing as he is in a desert
Are your parents still together?: no
What kind of home do you live in?: nice one
What are your living arrangements?: live wit mum
Do you have any pets?: yes 4 cats
Do you collect anything?: yes clothes and shoes
What do you do for a living?: work in the co-op oh yeah
How much money do you make in a year?: 4 grand
What kind of vehicle do you drive?: legs
What color is your bedroom flooring?: can't see it
How big is your bed?: to small
Do you sleep with any one/thing in the bed with you?: yes my nice n lovable bf tom
Do you like thunderstorms?: yes there great
Do you know how to swim?: yes but i can sink even beta
Do you know CPR?: yeah shove ur tounge down there throat n hope they kiss back
Would you rather fly, take a bus, take a train, or drive on a trip?: drive roadtrip dude
When did you graduate from high school?: not yet almost there
What high school did you graduate from?: i just said tht i haven't yet
Do you sing in the shower?: yes not well
Do you read on the toilet?: wat the hell does read mean
Color?: pink
Food?: oreos beef jerkey
Restaurant?: mcdonalds
Season?: summer summer time
Holiday?: sking in the alps
Animal?: dog
Clothing item?: my black shorts
Scent?: cinninom
Shampoo?: herbal essence
Non-alcoholic beverage?: pepsil not coke pepsil
Alcoholic beverage?: wkd
Store to shop in?: primark
Author?: william shakespere
Actor/actress?: kiera knightly
Movie?: bad boys 2
Book?: kerrang magazine
Director?: steven spilberg
Musical artist or group?: gun show hellogoodbye
Song?: here in your arms
Music genre?: punk emo indie rock wateva sounds gd
Ideal vehicle?: scarlet 1.3 turbo
Sport to watch?: skating, anythinf extrem
Sports team?: england suppose
Sport to play?: rugby
TV show?: friends
Card game?: strip poker
Board game?: monopoly wit shots
Been arrested?: yes
Been in jail?: no
Stolen anything?: yes
Cheated on someone?: yes
Lied to a friend?: yes
Lied to a relative?: yes
Lied to someone you were in a relationship with?: no neva i'm true 2 the ones tht i love
Killed anything?: yes spiders and bugs
Hit an animal with your vehicle?: nope
Called out of work for no reason?: yeah loads cos i can't be fucked 2 do it
Skipped school?: yeah n went 2 brigton or hid in the loos
Gone bungeee jumping?: nope want 2
Gotten a tattoo?: nope but i'm n i no wat i want
Gotten a piercing?: yep a few ears lip bell tounge n boob but thts gone
Been in a fight?: yeah n got knocked out by a big chav
Lost a fight?: yep
Done any gambling?: yeah poker n won lots n lost lots
Cheated at a game you were playing?: yeah snakes n ladder
Pretended something was worse than it was for sympathy?: yeah all the time lol
Made a prank phone call?: yeah 2 loads of ramdom people
Been drunk?: yep just a few 2 count tht i can remeber
Been drunk enough to puke?: yeah 5 time now
Puked on someone?: yeah my x
Peed your pants since being an adult?: nope
Fainted or passed out?: yeah at home a a gig n during the year11 photo
Seen a dead body?: nope
Seen someone die?: yeah ut was the worse feeling eva
Been in love?: yeah n im still am
Been married?: nope
Loved someone you couldn't tell?: yeah
Fallen for a friend?: yeah its the worst
Had sex with someone you were not in a relationship with?: yeah
Been the person someone cheated on someone else with?: yeah
Dumped someone?: yeah
Been dumped?: yeah n it hurts
Lost someone you loved?: yeah its like a piece of u ha been taken n ur neva get it bak
Cried because your heart was broken?: yeah n it takes alot of glue 2 fix it
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: yeah cos he has some1
Done something illegal or immoral?: yeah 2 ashamed 2 say wat
Been high?: course love it
Bought drugs?: yeah
Sold drugs?: yeah
Broken something when you were angry?: yeah my knuckles n a door
Punched an inanimate object in anger?: yeah my teddy sorry sid
Lied about yor age?: yeah
Had your license suspended or revoked?: don't have 1 yet
Been in a car accident?: nope thank fuck
Gotten a ticket?: nope im gd
Given a gift "just because"?: yeah cos just because i love him
Forgotten someone's birthday or your own anniversary?: nope im gd at things like tht
Bounced a check?: yeah n i didn't go 2 disney land :(
Had an overdrawn bank account?: yeah its a bugger 2 pay back
Kissed someone of the same sex?: yeah
Age range?: 16-20
Height?: taller than me
Build?: well built muscle n fit as fuck
Hair color?: brown
Hair style?: spikey
Eye color?: brown
Religious preference?: wat eva
Political affiliation?: wtf
Ever worn glasses, contacts, or braces?: yeah i have sexy red or dead glasses
Describe yourself in 4 words:: siany siany siany siany
Describe your perfect mate in 4 words:: tom tom tom tom
Name 4 places you have lived:: london portsmouth scotland n plymouth
Name four occupations you have had:: office work professional bum n customer care assiastant
If you could have 3 wishes, what would they be?: was a actress n was rich n life was great
Do you miss someone right now?: yeah n hes only in the nxt room
Do you have a crush on someone right now?: yeah all the time
What shoes did you wear today?: flipflops n embricas
What are you wearing right now?: skirt footless tights n top
What time is it right now?: 21:21
IF you could vacation any 2 places in the world, where would they be?: bahamas n usa
Name 4 things you'd rather be doing right now?: b wit tom x4
When was the last time you wrote someone a letter and who was it?: dunno reali
Who was the last person to write you a letter?: annie
Who was the last person you got an email from?: paul
Who was the last person you sent an email to?: paul
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?: tom
Who was the last person you kissed?: tom
Who was the last person you hugged?: tom
Who was the last person you said "I Love You" to?: tom
Name 4 places you have been on vacation:: frances wales austria n scotland
Name your 5 best friends:: kt, emma ,lizi , maria n georgia
Coke or Pepsi?: pepsi
Mickey D's or BK?: mcdonalds
Chinese or Mexican?: mexican
Cats or Dogs?: dog
Fish or Birds?: fish hate 2 amit it
Reptiles or Amphibians?: reptiles
Early Bird or Night Owl?: night owl
Winter or Summer?: summer
Spring Break or Christmas Vacation?: christmas u get gifts lol
Hambuger or Cheeseburger?: chesseburger adds the flavor
Chocolate or Vanilla?: chocolate im fat
What are you afraid of?: spiders
What is your mood right now?: happy
Name 4 things you like to do for fun:: skate shop see tom n draw
Ever been skinny dipping?: yep
Do you smoke?: no
Do you drink?: yeah
Do you believe in love at first sight?: no well somertimes dunno
Would you rather have 10 aquaintances or 2 close friends?: 2 close friends
If you had a child today, what would you name it?: alfie or milly
Do you know the words to The Star Spangled Banner?: wtf
Do you like fire?: yeah i love ir great n pretty n fun 2 burn things
Are you afraid to die?: yeah
Do you believe in Heaven and Hell?: dunno tell u when i die
Do you own a cell phone?: yeah
Name 4 websites you visit every time you get on a computer:: myspace n limewire thts it
Where is your computer?: in toms house
What are you listening to right now?: hellogoodbye
What is the last CD you got?: hellogoodbye
What is the last gift someone gave you?: a tent of my dad twat
What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?: tom brought me a red rose out of the blue
How would your friends describe you?: dunno ask them urself
When was the last time you cried?: i missed tom at the weekend cos he went away
What was the last thing you ate?: mcdonalds
Do you prefer mini blinds, shades, or drapes?: dn't give a fuck reali as long as it keeps the light out of my eyes
Do you have any pets?: yeah 4 cats
When was the last time you moved?: 2 years ago
Do you get along with your neighbors?: yeah theregreat n always drunk
Are you friends with any of your exes?: yeah all of them well not karl or zac
Do you get along better with guys or girls?: both
How do you want to die?: don't reali quick n easy
Do you bathe daily?: most days yep
Do you prefer baths or showers?: showers
What is your favorite sleeping position?: in toms arms
Would you prefer to sleep in a warm room or a cold room?: warm
Who was the last person who drove you somewhere?: faye
Where was the last palce you drove to?: toms house
When was the last time you took a "road trip"?: last night
How many DVDs do you own?: lost count
How many CDs do you own?: dunno lots n there all gd
What is your favorite radio station?: kerrang n radio 1
What is your favorite cologne or perfume on someone else?: lynx
What is your favorite cologne or perfume?: pure purple
What is your least favorite smell?: poop
Is it okay for a girl to ask a guy out or should the guy always ask?: its k but its the guys job reali
Do you think the guy should always pay on the first date?: yeah cos tom said so
Where would you go on an ideal date with someone?: lil italian place eit candles n then a nice walk
Do you like public displays of affection?: yeah
Would you rahter go to a theater or cuddle on the couch and watch a DVD?: couch n dvd
Do you know what the "door lock" test is?: nope someone tell me
When was the last time someone hit on you?: today a man beeped his horn at me perve
Are you a flirt?: sometimes
What was the last thing you bought?: alchol
When was the last time you stayed awake for over 24 hours?: dunno
What is the last movie you watched?: pirates 3
What is the last movie you saw in a theater?: 300
Did you get anything in the mail today?: nope lonly
Do you have myspace?: yeah its great visit it
What was the last comment you got on your myspace?: hows u from aaron
What was the last comment you put on someone's myspace?: im gd wbu
If you could have any job in the world what would it be?: actress
If yo could only have one food for the rest of your life what would it be?: mcdonalds
What would you do with a million dollars?: have sex on it n have fun wit it
Have you ever been in the hospital?: yeah n its not nice
What is your least favorite food?: mushrooms
Tell me something I may not know about you?: i can lick my nose wit my tounge
In the last week, has anyone told you a secret?: yep n its a gooden
Are you straight, gay, or bi?: straight as a pen
Have you ever dyed your hair?: yep 2many 2 remember
What were you doing for a living 9 years ago?: nothing gettin money off daddy
Who were you with 9 years ago?: aaron
Have you gained or lost weight since high school?: lost n still haven't left yet
What was your favorite subject in high school?: art n drama
Were you in any clubs/sports/activities in high school?: nope
What is your favorite number?: 13
Do you have any lucky charms?: nope wats the point
Are you superstitious?: nope
Do you believe in ghosts?: dunno tell u wen i see 1
What do you think of psychics?: crazy muppets
Are you picky about grammar or spelling?: nope
How many keys on your key chain?: one for the house
How many rings until you answer the phone?: until i find the phone
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?: mint choch chip yummy
When did you lose your virginity?: january 27th 2007
Who was the last relative you talked to?: mum
Have you ever aced an exam?: nope neva will
What is your most used catch phrase?: just gotta lick it
What's the best pick-up line you've ever heard?: there all shit n chessey
What is the best compliment you have ever heard or received?: i love you so much
Do you think you are attractive?: no
Would you rather take a picture or be in a picture?: in wit someone else
Number of things in your past that you regret:: stealing n lying n hurting people i love
What is the craziest thing you have ever done?: skinny dip
Do you have any bad habits?: yeah bitting my nails
Do you have any psychological impairments?: dunno wat tht means
Are you taking any prescription medications?: nope not tht my doctor gave me anyway
How long did it take you to complete this survey?: lost cont after a while
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dunno who eva wants 2 meet me!!!!!!!i wanna meet someone who will keep me safe!!
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emo, rock, punk, indie wat eva sounds good and the old bands are cool to aka sex pistols, the clash and my fave the who. incubus, paramore, aiden, panic! at the disco, falloutboy, the gun show(woop woop) ,the kooks, nirvana, hole, blur, rise againsts, green day, lostpropets, lustra, cute is what we aim for, the auditon, enter shakira, bring me the horizon, billy talent, MCR, all american rejects, from first to last, the used, Madine lake, head automatica, anti-flag,bayside, blink 182, +44, taking back sunday, 100 reasons, hellogoodbye, ok go, the acdemy is, rja, the blackout, 36 crazyfist, thirty seconds to mars and many more i have seen lots of bands the first gig i saw was the spice girls when i was six.. ok please don't judge me. when i was 11 i went to reading festival for the whole weekend it was the best thing ever. i saw manson, papa roach, nickleback,green day, eminem and loads of others. one dude i was standin nxt to was smokin a joint n i got high of it n fell asleep then woke up wit queen of the stone agese bass players cock in ma face on the big screen. i have seen the gun show countless times. they are reali good. a close mate of mine PAUL plays bass init they are amazin . visit their myspace or i will kill u lol oj not like thti saw paramore it was so fun i crowd surf seven times and nearly died but it was cool hayley smiled at me it made my life. lol. and i have also seen young squire they are reali gd. the acadmey is the audition cute is what we aim for and mcr MCR green day the list at reading spice girls lol are on the list of bands i have seen live!!!this is an old band called level 42 but this bass solo is amazing !!!!!!!!!


anything by tim burton nightmare b4 xmasis my fave love it OMG any film by Tarantino got his new movie- GRINDHOUSE woop woop n u don't lol
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blood and gore just abitstar wars every single one
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simpsons will and grace friends 8 simple rules friends scooby doo eastenders lost (wat else baby) skins ugly betty lots and lots
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tht would be?? oj i like reading stuff tht tim burton has written its so funni n great n novels lol


my parents my friends my family spiderman superman wonderwoman Hayley williams and others who i can't think of but wil let ya no ..