TWRHINO Presents the next GIG " LEVI " on THURSDAY, 5th JUNE!!!!****************************************************
THIS MONTH SPECIAL (JUNE) . FREE BEFORE 8pm. EVERYBODY is on the Discounted GUEST LIST after 8pm at £4!! ALL u have to do is answer 5 very simple questions below. All the answers are on the profile and TW Prophet Profile!!! Celebrating LEVI!!! We will also be giving Giveaways (Presents). ITS A CELEBRATION!! COME CELEBRATE WITH US!!
TO GET ON THE DISCOUNTED GUEST LIST after 8.00pm !! Send a Message to us at answering the following 5 Easy Questions by Wednesday 17:00 pm 4th JUNE at latest:
Where was TW Prophet Born?
What is the Name of his Debut Album?
Whats is the Track Name for his 1st Video ?
Whast does TW mean?
Where did Sista Kia and TW Prophet meet?*******************************************************
*********Click TicketWeb Link Below to BUY Discounted TICKET******************************************************
*To PURCHASE ADAVANCE TICKET at WWW.TICKETWEB.CO.UK. CLICK LOGO Below. DIRECT LINK!!*********************************Click TicketWeb Link Below to BUY Discounted TICKET******************************************************
*******TRUE WISE da Prophet and Sista Kia da RHINO Come TOGETHER! TW RHINO!
Proph the Creative One: Rapper, Lyricalist, Singer, Song Writer, Producer.......
Roukia the Bold One: Investor, Promoter, Organiser, Manager, etc..*******************************************************
*THE ORIGIN OF PROPHET AND THE TRUE WISE ( TW ) CONCEPTJason Howard Holley a.k.a. Prophet was born in Brooklyn N.Y in the 70..s . By the time he graduated high school on Staten Island, the whole of the Island (Shaolin) knew him as Prophet the Mad Monk from the Wu Tang Inner Chamber. When Wu Tang Clan, Prophet..s high school mates, got their record deal and coined the phrase Wu Tang, many artists from Shaolin stopped referring to the Wu Tang Slang, lest they would seem as imitators. Although the Wu Tang Slang was common to all rappers on the Shaolin, not just the ones that got signed. This was when Prophet began calling his personal way of delivery, the True Wise style.
True Wise, is basically the combination of two elements. The truth about the harsh realities of project living, and the wisdom that can also be found there. It was in the ghettos of the Shaolin, the projects of Park Hill and Stapleton, that Prophet learned both. He learned from the streets, but he was also drawn to the vibes of the Rastas that were in the community. By the time he had turned 16, he was wearing his bongo dreadlocks, spending much time reasoning with the elders in the weed spots, and learning about H.I.M. Haile Selassie, Marcus Garvey, and many others.
Though Prophet grew spiritually throughout the years, he never forgot where he came from. Even after repatriating to Shashamane, Ethiopia, Prophet continued to bridge the gap between what was popular at the time in the West, and the wisdom of the ancients in the East, through his music. Over time, the two became inseparable. Now you can hear Prophet rapping reality as it is, on the True side of his album, and singing reggae with a message on the Wise side. Often cross- breeding the two together, the lines between the two sides are not always so black and white, but become gray. Anyway, that..s life, isn..t it?
So don..t be surprised if you hear Prophet cussing and going on as bad as the baddest, and then switch into the Holiest of Holies. It..s all part of the plan! Just get in where you fit in and the rest will grow on you. Seen?!
So we hope you enjoy ours, and Prophet..s, Debut album release: ......." THE CALLING "..........................
One Love....Prophet @ TWRhino Records*****************************************************
***DEDICATING dis VIDEO & SONG to WORLD PEACE, HARMONY & TRANQUILITY!!!.Check out this video: No Peace For The Wicked
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***A number of people asked where u could buy the CD. This is where you can buy the CD on line.YOU CAN LISTEN 2 more of TW PROPHET’s MUSic @ WWW.MYSPACE.COM/TWPROPHET. ***IT CAN BE PURCHASED n DOWNLOaDED from iTUNES, MP3TUNES, AMAZON and Most Major DIGITAL Download Web Sites Shop.!! ***YOU CAN BUY THE CD at WWW.CDBABY.COM by clicking on this photo, which will take u to CDBABY and at SNOCAP ***CD includes a 22 Page Booklet with all the LYRICS!!****************************************************