ex 4 + 5 PA 2 convent school....i miss our good time in school..
group 27+28 in mmu--- i really like our group!!
echa...man i miss ya!
jasmine...so glad u called...i miss you so much!
nofa.. wanna talk wif ya..getting crazier la with ya day by day
da miss ur blurry face!
di nak tgk gado ngan da...wahahahah
MenG -- cepat balik M'sia...getting sangap here without ur stories entertaining me up!
pitt==really misses you a lot!!
izuddin-- miss you so much...never get the chance to meet ya..huhu..looking foward to it..
wanie ---- seriously wanna meet ya coz everyone has!
k-rop .. pemalu la konon...hehehe
zam-- you really really made my day! =)
kian=== teach me how to be very very sarcarstic..dude..i want to be one like ya! you're very good in that "kianism " thingy
hassan-- man...you are getting crazier everyday! i really enjoy that..very niiiceeely doone,thanks man!
remy -- the one that i missed so much! luv ya honey