Dale North profile picture

Dale North

About Me

My name is Dale North, and I'm a singer/songwriter and indpendent artist. Yes, its the same old story you've heard a million times: a classically trained pianist (and vocalist), making music from a very young age...and all of that. Well, I can't get away from the cliche - I was born to make music. Its what I live for. If you want to read a full bio, please click here : http://www.dalenorth.com/about.html
Although I've been writing and recording since my preteen years, I've only released a couple of albums worth of original material - but I have a lot of music thats 'out there', all over the internet. I may be better known for my work with OneUp Studios, as its founder and co-owner. One Up Studios has sold well over 10,000 albums worldwide, played music all over the country, and left its mark on our corner of the internet. I did this arranging work and had great fun for more than half a decade, but have since put it on the back burner to make and release more of my own brand of music.
My music is best labled pop contemporary - and I know its been awhile since someone could be labelled as that. But this is the only way I know how to express myself, and so I stand behind my melodic heavy, heartfelt music.
Here's some links:
DaleNorth.com This is my personal webpage, where you can buy my music and learn more about me.
Right Out of the Blue @ CD Baby This is my 2005 release available at CD Baby.
Right Out of the Blue @ itunes Right Out of the Blue available for download from itunes (requires itunes software)
Right Out of the Blue @ emusic This is the same album available at emusic.com, if you prefer to download mp3s.
My Blog This is my Livejournal blog. I know...
Pictures Pics of me, my friends, and my family.
OneUp Studios OneUp Studios is a company that I co-founded - and its focus is on game music. You can purchase albums and meet great people there.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/18/2006
Band Website: www.dalenorth.com
Record Label: Strawberry Pancakes
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

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