THEATRE!! music, live concerts, film, ART, fashion, photography, architecture, history, antiques, classic cars, food, philosophy, well just about anything easily amused.
id love to meet people in my field, people who are willing to teach me something new, something worth knowing.
i have wonderful friends that introduce me to all kinds of music. as of now im in a(n) indie/folk music phase..... yes, well i of course grew up on classic rock and 80's pop, so thats where i am strongest, however, im learning more and more about world music, jazz, and indie rock...the list never gotta love them oldies!
wow where to begin.....i love movies, even bad ones, and one day ill be involved making movies.
i dont watch too much tv anymore.
old school classics, im a big fan of pirates, treasure hunts, and kid books....oh and dectectives.
yes, yes, these are my parents....true examples of what hard work is and they represent me. arent they cute. makes you want to just go up to them and give them a big ol' hug! dont worry they dont bite, they only snore.