what it IS: well im itilian I loVe to play spOrts, mainly basKetBaLL. EvEryone calls me BoOg aka BOoGEyJ aka da BoOgeyman whatever the FUk and im a downass thuggalo/juggalo that cutz necks and splitz wigs for a living, been down wit the clown since day1. i also like chEEfn on that g00d kroNiK smo0ke and pLayN nbaLIVE ya dig,im also a sports nut you come to my crib sportscenter or somethin to do with sports is definately on, and i also like kikN it with the muthaFUCKN homeboyz from around MY way, and i liKe kikN it wIt da chiks you know wHo. im from and live in the ViLLe, much love to all the fam from round their tryN to make IT cause i know what it IZ, i know and you knOw its hard coming ouTTa section8 str8tgheTToe. and MCL to my broTHAZ, josh and rodney, those our more then my homiez, they bl00d and us 3 stay close and rIde for each other, s0 check y0 shitN before ya go poPPin off cause we rydaz, psychopathic rydaz. anyways if ya nEEd to know more about a muthaFuCk0 just come up around my wAy on PH in the ViLLe and cheK me oUt.. peace.
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