I'm in my second year of uni at CQU studying a Bachelor of Human Movement Science (externally though so I can stay in the lovely Woombie)..hoping to go into Physio. Working at the USQ Works as a gym instructor & PT. Trying my best to become a guitar legend.*****************************************"We are made right in God's sight when we trust in Jesus Christ to take away our sins. And we all can be saved in this same way, no matter who we are or what we have done." Romans 3:22***********************************************Days that will forever be embedded in my mind: The day when...my dad crashed a removal truck into a bridge and I got a black eye off the gear stick...I won the 25m freestyle when I was 9...Nigel was teaching me how to drive in an empty block of land and the police turned up...I was at a Ben Harper concert and Jack Johnson walked out and sang a duet with him...Bec and I were driving around Brissy at night with the inside light on and wondering why people were looking at us funny...I jumped into a pool fully clothed to grab my niece who was going under for the 4th time...I nearly passed out during a first aid course...our band went on a ghost tour in the rain in sydney...Jacob and Lewis cheered Christine and I up by smashing us at guitar hero...I was in Paris and stood on a building from The Bourne Identity
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