For so long we have ignored the call of nature and what damage we are doing to this earth and its inhabitants.
We have been given dominion over this earth, and we have made a mess of it. Do your part to help heal this planet.
I have a passion for horses. Their honesty, their spirit and their heart. For those who have never experienced the horse-human connection, you experience it to a lesser extent with smaller domesticated animals like dogs and cats.
The horse-human experience however, is beyond that. Maybe partly because they are such large and powerful animals. They are balls of solid muscle and bone. They can kill you with one quick turn of their bodies. Yet they are born cowards. They are food for predators and we are drawn to protect them and help them overcome their inborn fear of EVERYTHING. Even us. WE are predators. Yet they learn to trust and partner with us.
Horses are pure.
Once they have given you their trust and their heart, they become a part of you forever.
I dedicate this page to my horses, to the ones that have passed and the ones with me now. Thanks also to those who trust me with their horses. Thanks for the fun!
For me, working with horses everyday is hard work, but effortless and always leaves me empowered and happy. That's how I knew it is what I was born to do. And I'll be doing it for the rest of my life.