Beautitude world people, A di A1 classicist, aka Anointed Panthera, One love. Anointed Panthera is one of the most multifarious lyricist, and one of thy most realist uprising singer songwriter and producer, producing world muzik for di anointed operation and also my primary album, tha world most needed. Anointed panthera musical layout is essential of classical and spirited reggae, dancehall, Soul, hip hop, R&B, Rock, jazz, and more. Emerging in thy essences of the muzik industry in the 9o's, anointed panthera rise to di occasion with tremendous speed punctully. Born in jamaica and now working in toronto canada an jamaica currently in T Dott visionally going worldwide wed i muzik. beautitude and one love to all I&I Anointed peoples, Holy Emmanueli Emperor SellassieI Jah RastafarI lovewise Queen of Queens Omega divine, world solution fi world problems... Anointed panthera spirited...Fof contact haile I...
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