Maxime Guérin profile picture

Maxime Guérin

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Filmography (director):
2006 - Mon Ame coute 20 Euro (short movie)
2006 - 8h15 (short movie)
2005 - Betray Me (short movie)
2005 - Le Sang des Autres (short movie)
2003 - Dependances (short movie )
2003 - Petit Service (short movie)
Tres tot le jeune Maxime trouve en Steven Spielberg un deuxieme papa, on lui change ses couches devant Indiana Jones, il decroche son premier choc en salle devant Jurassic Park et decouvre son envie de passer derriere la camera en voyant Il Faut Sauver le Soldat Ryan.
Apres 16 ans de cinephagie il abandonne donc son projet de devenir veterinaire pour celui de devenir Steven Spielberg. Cette aventure commence par l’inscription a une option cinema de lycee, l’ecriture de multiples scenariis gagnant en interet avec l’experience, et les premieres rencontres de professionnels. C’est avec le concours de jeunes professionnels locaux que Maxime realise son premier court-metrage a 16 ans. Quatre autres suivront.
Son bac scientifique en poche, Maxime prend la direction de Montaigu et de son BTS audiovisuel. Pendant deux ans, il apprendra les metiers de l’image (cadre et lumiere) et rencontrera des jeunes aussi passionnes que lui. Les rencontres et les court-metrages se succedent, toujours plus ambitieux. L’annee 2006 reste une annee de transition : Maxime realise son premier court-metrage en pellicule, le support professionnel par excellence, et decroche son ticket pour le festival de Cannes, centre nevralgique du cinema en mai . Deux semaines avant son examen, il accede aux carres VIP, aux presentations de camera, aux stands de vente, aux QG de chaines de TV… et se sent petit et ridicule. Reveur, le petit Maxime obtient son BTS et se retrouve sur le marche de l’emploi avec une envie insatiable de poursuivre de nouveaux projets, de diffuser ses anciens et de retrouver l’ambiance cannoise avec plus de projets a defendre.
Mais tout ceci il ne peut pas le faire sans vous…
Very early the young Maxime finds in Steven Spielberg a second dad, we change his diapers in front of Indiana Jones, he picks up his first shock in a movie theatre with Jurassic Park and discovers his envy to pass behind the camera by seeing Saving Private Ryan.
After 16 years of watching movies, he abandons his project to become a veterinarian for that to become Steven Spielberg. This adventure begins with the registration to a cinema lesson of secondary school, with the writing of a lot of screenplays winning in interest with the experience, and with the professionals' first meetings. At the age of 16, he directs his first short film by means of young local professionals. Four others will follow.
Having been received in his scientific high school diploma, Maxime goes to an audiovisual technical school. During two years, he will learn the professions of image (frame and light making) and will meet young people so fascinated as him. The meetings and the short films succeed one another, always more ambitious. The year 2006 is a transitional year: Maxime directs his first short film in film, and gets its ticket for the Cannes film festival. Two weeks before his exam, he accedes to VIP areas, to presentations of movie-cameras, to the stands of sale, to TV channels' HQ and feels small and ridiculous.
Maxime obtains his diploma in 2006 and launches himself on the market of the employment with a longing for creating new projects, broadcasting his former ones and finding the atmosphere of the Cannes film festival with more projects to be defended.
But he cannot make all this without you …
Bande demo Maxime Guerin (mai 2006)
UNE NUIT SUR MON AME (realise par Julien Mokrani) / making of du film Mon Ame Coute 20 Euro
MAKING OF DU FILM 8h15 (2006)
30 Seconds to Mars - The kill
envoyé par sushie UNE MESSE!!! si vous observez bien vous pourrez me voir
Ma claque du moment, ça me refout la patate chaque soir!!!
Skins secret party special.
envoyé par merci19 Le fantasme de tout ado... et de tout réalisateur... MON fantasme quoi!

My Interests

cinema and visual arts in general MON AME COUTE 20 EURO (2006) 8H15 (2006) LE SANG DES AUTRES (2005) DEPENDANCES (2003) PETIT SERVICE (2003)

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I'd like to meet:

All professionnals interested in my work. Let me know!


30 Seconds to Mars, Kasabian, Arctic Monkeys, The Subways, Underground Resistance, NOFX, Blink 182, Sum 41, The Bloodhound Gang, The Offspring, Placebo, Billy Talent, New Found Glory, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Green Day, The Subways, James Brown, Korn, Michael Jackson, Muse, Nathan Fake, Nine Black Alps, Nine Inch Nails, Noir Desir, The Prodigy, Archive, The Strokes


The Thin Red Line, Pulp Fiction, Saving Private Ryan, Jurassic Park, Platoon, Fight Club, Miami Vice, Sin City, Bully, Reservoir Dogs, Blueberry, Seven, The Good The Bad and The Ugly, Bullet Ballet and many more


Skins. definitely!!!


not for the moment