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About Me

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DJ Chevelle B started spinning 13 years ago at the age of 14 after watching Doc Martin,Vitamin D, Eric Davenport at a local club in Southern California. He started with one turntable and a tape deck and fell in love with house music since then he has played in California, Dallas, Tyler, Shreveport, Longview, Austin, Houston and Paris, TX. At the age of 16 he moved to Texas and got 2 Technic 1200's and began perfecting his mixing skills. His favorite DJ's and major influences are Carl Cox, Paul Johnson and Donald Glaude. DJ Chevelle B is know as the founder of the East Texas scene and works hard to bring you the music that we all love. DJ Chevelle B has thrown over 20 sucessful event in Tyler and Longview, TX. He then moved to Victorville, CA and has thrown a few sucessful events and still DJ's at local nightclubs like Karma, formerly Coconuts, and Angel's Roadhouse in Apple Valley If you have an event that you need a full service DJ, Chevelle B can provide music, including personal requests and lights and sound. For booking info email [email protected]
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People in the High Desert and Southern California who enjoy electronic music and love to groove! Cool, chill, laid back, open people.

My Blog

Wonderful weekend of yard work and BBQ!

This weekend everything was unpacked, put together and cleaned up! We finally had a weekend off from soccer touranments, meetings and fun stuff we have planned, so we decided to work on the yard. I sp...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 09:07:00 GMT

I got my house!

I can’t wait to move in! I will post more later! They accepted our offer! Thank you God! Praise the Lord he continues to bless me and my family!
Posted by on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 18:18:00 GMT

Coyote Classic & Riverside Locomotion Soccer Tournaments

We didn't win either the Coyote Classic or the Riverside Locomotion Soccer tournaments but I had a good time and I hope my boys did too! We should have won 1st place at the Coyote Classic but it was o...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 13:51:00 GMT

My All-Star team is advancing on to Bakersfield Section Play-offs!

It was so stressful! Overtime, penalty shoot-outs and the Championship game! But we made it! We are one of the 4 Victorville All-Star teams to advance to play in the Section play-offs in Bakersfield! ...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 18:34:00 GMT

Another win in Lancaster! This time Isaiah’s All-Star team won!

So I also coach my son Isaiah's All-Star team and we went to the Area All-Star play-offs last weekend and we played 4 games and advanced on to the Semi-finals and Championships this Saturday! I am so ...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 13:03:00 GMT

My team won in Lancaster and my Chargers won!

OMG! I can not believe that my team won in Lancaster at the Area play-offs! We won 3 games and go on to the semi-finals in 2 weeks! The feeling that I got when my boys won was amazing! The last game w...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 18:31:00 GMT

My birthday celebration!

I had a 2 day celebration for my 30th birthday this past weekend! My wife gave me and awesome party on Saturday and we had so much fun! Then I went out to eat on my birthday Sunday at Johnny Reb's! It...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 12:09:00 GMT

All-Star team Coach!

I found out yesterday that I was chosen for the A All-Star team for my son's division! I am so excited! My son is on the team and I have a ton of awesome players! We are gonna kick some ass! I already...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 00:54:00 GMT

One win and one tie!

Soccer this weekend was great! My Under 10 Boys team smoked the team they were playing 12-2! Still undefeated! My son Isaiah's team tied 1-1! It was a good game! We should have won but thats alright w...
Posted by on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 13:53:00 GMT

Don’t take life for granted!

Today at work I almost lost my life! My oxygen tank blew up! I got burned and really scared the shit out of me! It took like 2 hours for my heart to stop beating out of my chest! I am really thankful ...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 04:49:00 GMT