I'll try anything once. MySpace Layouts
Anyone looking to have a good time and must have a sense of humor.
Myspace Layouts
Pretty much everything. I'm a country girl at heart, it makes me smile.
All time fave - V for Vendetta, Pretty Woman, Anchorman, Old School, Wedding Crashers, any Adam Sandler movie, Napoleon Dynamite, Mean Girls, Crash, Gladiator, Troy (did you see Brad's legs), Jarhead & Brokeback Mountain (hellooo Jake - future Mr. Kristin Almond), Dumb and Dumber, The Notebook, You Me and Dupree, pretty much anything funny and entertaining with a great story line.
Ok, so I am really old school. I love 90210, Melrose Place, and the Fresh Prince of Bel Air re-runs. Big fan of reality tv, Laguana Beach, 8th & Ocean, American Idol,Dancing with the Stars, Lost, and anything I can make fun of. Make me laugh and I am addicted.
My dad and my mom. They have the biggest influence in my life. I love my family to death, and my closest best friends (ya'll know who you are)..
Name: Kristin Almond
Birthdate: 8/16/84
Birthplace: San Jose
Current Location: San Diego
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: always changing
Height: I go with 5'2"
Weight: probably not
Piercings: yes
Tatoos: not so much
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: over-rated
Overused Phraze: "You've got a dirty, whorish mouth!"
Food: pasta
Candy: anything chocolate
Number: 7
Color: club
Animal: gorrilla
Drink: H2O
Alcohol Drink: Greyhound
Bagel: rarely (what kind of a question is that?)
Letter: K
Body Part on Opposite sex: for sure the lower back and butt!
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: You've got to protect the McNuggets!
Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: both, I love tea
Chocolate or Vanilla chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: depends
Kiss or Hug: always hugs, only special people get kisses
Dog or Cat: dog
Rap or Punk: both
Summer or Winter: summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: funny movies
Love or Money: I prefer both if possible
Bedtime: never before midnight
Most Missed Memory: Aww, there are way too many to count. I miss ya Alli and Jen!
Best phyiscal feature: Oh my God I have so many, but I will narrow it down to my eyes, lips, and booty =)
First Thought Waking Up: Why the hell is it so early!
Goal for this year: Studying abroad in Italy. And of course having a good time.
Best Friends: Alli, Jen, Gwace, Jason
Weakness: I can't tell a lie, or at least not very well.
Fears: Never finding love
Heritage: Italian, English, & Irish
Longest relationship: somewhere aroung 2 years
Ever Drank: Did I mention I have liver disease?
Ever Smoked: No
Pot: Yeah
Ever been Drunk: Who hasn't ever been drunk is a better question.
Ever been beaten up: of course not
Ever beaten someone up: no
Ever Shoplifted: no
Ever Skinny Dipped: =)
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: =)
Been Dumped Lately: =(
Favorite Eye Color: Light honey brown
Favorite Hair Color: Dark brown/Black
Short or Long: I like them both
Height: Just taller than me
Style: Unique and personalized
Looks or Personality: Looks first, then personality
Hot or Cute As long as I find him attractive, that's all that matters.
Drugs and Alcohol: Absolutely no drugs
Muscular or Really Skinny: muscular
Number of Regrets in the Past: a few
What country do you want to Visit: Italy, Australia, Thailand, anyhwere exciting
How do you want to Die: But I don't want to die =(
Been to the Mall Lately: I work at the mall
Do you like Thunderstorms: Only if I have a cute guy to cuddle with
Get along with your Parents: always, love them
Health Freak: most of the time
Do you think your Attractive: yeah
Believe in Yourself: surprisingly yeah
Want to go to College: in college
Do you Smoke: no
Do you Drink: on occaission
Shower Daily: multiple time
Been in Love: still waiting
Do you Sing: in the shower
Want to get Married: someday
Do you want Children: yes
Have your future kids names planned out: Ha Ha.....Noooooo!
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: Ummm, well.....?!
Hate anyone: ignorant people