I thought yinz was buckets profile picture

I thought yinz was buckets

About Me

-------------------------------------------------------- My Personality
Neuroticism 45
Extraversion 93
Openness to Experience 43
Agreeableness 21
Conscientiousness 7
You do not feel nervous in social situations, and have a good impression of what others think of you, however you feel enraged when things do not go your way. You are sensitive about being treated fairly and feel resentful and bitter if you think you are being cheated. You enjoy some excitment and risk taking in your life. You prefer facts over fantasy and are more interested in what is happening in the real word. You will help others if they are in need. If people ask for too much of your time you feel that they are imposing on you, however you are not adverse to confrontation and will sometimes even intimidate others to get your own way. You find yourself procrastinating and show poor follow-through on tasks. Often you fail to complete tasks - even tasks that you want very much to complete.
Take a Personality Test now or view the full Personality Report .
A range of Ugg Boots .
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My Interests

I like to play with rubberbands and make macaroni pictures and jewlery with elmer's glue

I'd like to meet:

The stingray that sent Steve Irwin six feet under, and the screen writter of "Glad-he-ate-her" ..


Lesibian music and/or neo folk doom metal


Foreskin Gump, Face Jam, Glad-he-ate-her, Harry Popped Her and the Sorcerer's Bone, and anything produced by Larry Flynt


murder she wrote, sunday night mass, and UHF


Everybody poops and 1 FIsh 2 Fish Red Fish Blue Fish


The talking chair from PEEWEEs Playhouse, Pizza the Hut, Richard simmins, Tony danza and Gunner Nelson

My Blog

Who are you to me?

  WHO are you to ME? 1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends?3. When and how did we meet? 4. Do you have a crush on me? 5. Would you kiss me? 6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. 7. Des...
Posted by I thought yinz was buckets on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST