vic profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

ma.Victoria Manigbas Pimentel?........ satrical, simple but complicated. My personality stands in the middle of being introvert and assertive, can be understood as balanced. I love music, im a frustrated guitarist , i sing and dance hehehe and my favorite concert place is the bathroom while defecating. I am a couch potato but i love travelling.I play volleyball and badminton. i love reading inspirational books that will benefit my life. My favorite place at the mall is the arcade and HUMAN boutique and i love videokes . I love crowd but i am a loner. I love to joke around, make people laugh at my own expense sometimes. but that's fine. I make people cry because of too much laughter. I am crazy. I would say i am a good friend for i will defend you as long as i can. I love too much that it hurts. i am possessive and insecure, it doesnt show coz i keep the feeling inside. i am serious and i take life seriously but life treats me like a joke. i am a coward. i have too much love to give but cant find the right person to share it with. being alone kept me sane. I fear God and I adore Him. I want to be good but is too stubborn to obey. I have faith and no one can alter it. i am religious. i stand for what i believe is right. I am a debater to the core.a sore loser, nerd and a bookworm. I believe in Love and the miracles it can bring but i am merciless.i am romantic but i am not showy maybe because i am afraid to reveal my soft side. I believe in fantasies but i am rational. I am persuasive but helpless. i am afraid of commitment but i want to risk, i am girl who never acted like one. I have hopes and dreams. life is my passion. my life is an organized mess

My Interests

gOd teLLing mY sToRiEs to oThEr "except po ung too personal" biBLe sTuDiEs cOLLeCTinG sTuFFs FrOm HUMAN wATChiNG mOviEs pLaYinG bADmiNtOn bOnDinG w/ my LiL sis, MEAN SHOPPING piCtUrEs rEAdiNg FRIES hiKinG bOnDinG w/ pEEpz nEt oF cOuRsE mAngULit ng tAo (NYZ TRY!!! ", )

I'd like to meet:

TRUE PERSONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


huMoRous soNgs of Parokya ni Edgar tHE rEasOn 'hOObAsTaNk'wELcOmE tO mY LiFe 'siMpLe pLan' mY bOO 'usHEr n aLiciA kEys' uNwELL 'matchbox'cOLoUR eVeRyWhErE 'cHRiStiAn BaUTiSTa hiLL sOnGs


tHe cOuNt oF MonTe cRistO tHe nOteBooK a wALk to rEmEmbEr gOt TO bELiEvEtRoY


mR. BeAnLiLO n sTitchMYXFEAR FaCtORsPOnGE BOBWWEthe 5th wHeeL


biBLepUrpOsE DriVeN LiFemYThOLoGy by ediTh hAmiLtontHe Vinci cOdekiSSeD dATinG gUdByE " a nEw aTTiTudE ToWaRd rOmAnCe and rElAtiOnShip" by jOsHUa hArriS
