what you need is someone strong to guide you, like me
About Me
5 things 5 things that make you smile
1: white castle
2: halo
3: tool
4: rosette
5: boobs 5 things people that you love
1: crave case
2: frau bonilla...NOT
3: julius haag
4: sharpies
5: james bond 5 of the most amazing things EVER
1: your mom
2: fat babies
3: computers
4: julius haag
5: and your mom..again 5 things about you that you like
1: are u gay?
2: dfadfdadfsf
3: adfadfafa
4: afdafadfdf
5: adfdfasdfasf 5 things about you that you hate
1: afdsafafadf
2: adfasdfadsfa
3: adsfadfdaf
4: afdsfads
5: adsfadsff 5 things about your crush
1: lmao
2: dfasfdadf
3: fasdfadf
4: fadsfadf
5: iadffad And lastly
Do you like lucozade?: are u gay?
If you answered no to the above question YOU ARE A SINNER -_-: ..must be
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My Interests
Music, soccer, lacrosse, white castle, and halo.
I'd like to meet:
Maynard James Keenan, Pres. Bush, Alice, and Julius Haag.