Christopher, M.D. profile picture

Christopher, M.D.

buy this car to drive to work, drive to work to pay for this car

About Me

1. I am a boy. 2. I am brown. 3. I am curly haired. 4. I am a student. 5. I am a son. 6. I am a singer. 7. I am a brother. 8. I am tall. 9. I am a thinker. 10. I am a reader. 11. I am hungry. 12. I am intelligent. 13. I am brown eyed. 14. I am poor. 15. I am bi-polar. 16. I am a leader. 17. I am in love. 18. I am impatient. 19. I am anxious. 20. I am a teacher. 21. I am a listener. 22. I am almost 20. 23. I am a bargain hunter. 24. I am a soda drinker. 25. I am a poet. 26. I am pro-choice. 27. I am a Star Wars fan. 28. I am cynical. 29. I am trying. 30. I am music.

My Interests

Opera, Theatre, Music Theory, Philosophy, Black Women Writers, Erin's Art Work, Taco Bell..

I'd like to meet:

Why, the one, of course. You know, the one to have a crazy passionate love affair and grow old with. But also people who read (I hate it when people list- "I don't read" under "Favorite books"), people who are unashamed to love "reality" TV, people who dye their hair compulsively, people who swear, people who sleep late and don't feel bad about it, people who cry in movies, people who make up words to songs when they don't know the lyrics, people who use and adore proper grammar and spelling, and people who love the feeling of q-tips in their ears.But....when it comes to it, I just like being a center of attention. So... talk to me. AIM= maintenance song.


.. Hot Hot Heat, Fiction Plane, Belle and Sebastian, The Shins, Ryan Adams, Poe, Andy Stochansky, Rufus Wainwright, The Vines, Badly Drawn Boy, All of the Bens, The Decemberists, Radiohead, Emiliana Torrini, Of Montreal, Pete Yorn, Steve Burns, OK Go, Jon Brion, Fiona Apple, Kill City, !!!, garbage, Keane, Coldplay, Gorillaz, Elliott Smith, Aimee Mann, a cappella, Metric, New Pornographers, Goldfrapp, Snow Patrol, Olive, Jason Mraz and Damien Rice. Giuseppe Verdi's Operas, Faust (Gounod), Mozart (Don Giovanni, Cosi Fan Tutte, Nozze di Figaro), Brahms' Symphonies, Stravinsky's everything...there are more no doubt.


Star Wars, The Hours, The Royal Tenenbaums, Far From Heaven, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Lost In Translation, Igby Goes Down, Death To Smoochy, About A Boy, The Color Purple, Panic Room, Memento, Monster, Dark Crystal, Finding Nemo, The Others, House of Sand and Fog, Clue, In The Bedroom, Magnolia, Donnie Darko, Life of David Gale, Jurassic Park, Mystic River, The Game, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Last Samurai, Girl With A Pearl Earring, Ghost, Jumanji, Hook, Labyrinth, Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, Fight Club, Chocolat, Trainspotting, Cold Mountain, Sideways, Million Dollar Baby, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, The Wiz, The Sting, p.s., we don't live here anymore, Kill Bill 1 and 2, Closer, Dark Water, 21 Grams, Traffic, Howl's Moving Castle...and of course, more that just aren't here.


America's Next Top Model (Don't judge me...), Quantum Leap, CSI, Family Guy, Cowboy Bebop, Mad TV, Reruns of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, Project Runway, The Best Week Ever...


Toni Morrison- Song Of Solomon, Bluest Eye, Beloved; Thousand Cranes- Yasunari Kawabata, Slaughterhouse Five- Kurt Vonnegut, The Handmaid's Tale- Margaret Atwood, A Day in the Life of Ivan Ilyich- Leo Tolstoy, Crime and Punishment- Fyodor Dostoevsky, Hero of Our Time- Mikhail Lermontov, Heart Of A Dog- Mikhail Bulgakov, Albert Camus- The Stranger, Exile and the Kingdom; The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles- Julie Andrews, My Jim- Nancy Rawles, Alice Walker- The Temple of my Familiar


Anakin Skywalker, Captain Ahab, Jack the UPS Guy, Katie Lauer

My Blog


I haven't been this tired in some time.I'm going to be right now. That's a solid 8 1/2 or 9 hours. Whew. The prospect is awesome.It's such a tiring 48 hours. What a tiring week. Man.No thinking right ...
Posted by Christopher, M.D. on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 09:27:00 PST

Rich and Crisp

I'm on a break from training. It's long and hard.   I'm sleepy. I'll go home and do that in a bit I guess.   This post has no point, really. Just because.   I have to pee....
Posted by Christopher, M.D. on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 05:22:00 PST

You want some lip chap?

This is a post in which I disguise that which, truly, deeply disturbs me by covering it with something that does not disturb, but instead amuses me no end.At work, we got our first audit scores, and m...
Posted by Christopher, M.D. on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 09:11:00 PST

Something always brings me back to you. It never takes too long.

I need to cut my toenails, they're getting pretty long.I have my final job interview with PATlive tomrrow afternoon. This is a good thing because all that it will really entail is a typing test and so...
Posted by Christopher, M.D. on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 09:57:00 PST

"you would see the biggest gift would be from me..."

Here I am, getting ready to go to sleep and it's light outside. I'm going to try to sleep, though it probably won't happen until there is something that I need to be doing. Agh.But... I did lots of fu...
Posted by Christopher, M.D. on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 03:28:00 PST

L for Lying

V for Vendetta was really, really good. I liked it alot- you should try and see it if you get the chance. Carmen went very well. Everything looks better when you're looking behind you, and it wasn't s...
Posted by Christopher, M.D. on Sun, 28 May 2006 11:00:00 PST

BS- not bullshit.

SO. I can't stay on here for long because Michele is pretty much breating down my neck, but I just wanted you all to know that All Night Yahtzee sang at Finals here in NYC last night, and we were awes...
Posted by Christopher, M.D. on Mon, 01 May 2006 07:14:00 PST

It is now an official responsibility of yours.

It's that time again. So come out and see All Night Yahtzee's Final Concert of the year before we jet off to the Big Apple to whip tail in the Finals of the International Championships of Collegiat...
Posted by Christopher, M.D. on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 04:50:00 PST

Isn't it ironic?

So...a little bit of catch up. All Night Yahtzee. Fucking. Won. ICCA South. Thank you. We're stoked, because as the winners, we're going to the finals in New York City where we'll compete against...
Posted by Christopher, M.D. on Tue, 28 Mar 2006 09:52:00 PST

Best Wednesday night line up EVAR.

Yeah Chloe.Yeah Nnenna.I'm disgustingly addicted to reality TV.
Posted by Christopher, M.D. on Thu, 09 Mar 2006 08:17:00 PST