Phoebe Figalilly profile picture

Phoebe Figalilly

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

~~~~~My name is Phoebe Figalilly. I was born in London, April 18th, many years ago. I am currently in the employ of Professor Harold Everett, a widowed mathematics instructor at Clinton College. As Nanny, my charges include Hal, Butch & Prudence and the family sheepdog Waldo at the Professor's residence at 10327 Oak Street, Los Angeles, California. Other family pets include Myrtle and Mike the guinea pigs; Sebastian, the rooster; and Jerome and Geraldene, the baby goats. I drive a lovely yellow 1930 Model A Ford named "Arabella". My most cherished childhood heirloom is a porcelain doll named "Felicity".

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Well-behaved children.

My Blog

watch complete NANNY episodes at this link

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Posted by on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 14:15:00 GMT

What ever happened to...?

Posted by on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 00:46:00 GMT