Born May 20, originally from a suburb shortly outside Philadelphia. Grew up wth a strong faith in God and strong dedication in life. Biggest weakness are girls,love them in every aspect. Currently a student at West Chester University pursuing a career to become a nurse. Model/Entertainer in the city of Philadelphia. To see a more in depth profile you can go to or .
è il mio più prezioso sorto ed il mio amore ha trovato un nuovo me risparmia per favore dalle lacrime versa una volta via dal sorto i petali
In life there are many things we look back on and is to short to regret anything or not follow a dream.
Height: 5'10 Weight: 190 Eyes: Blue
More thorns were to come for through the years, many things have happened that tried the human spirit, shaped the moral characters, and bound our family together with the golden cord of love. My faith in God, my beliefs and values, my hopes and my dreams are what keep me going and make me who I am today.The roses of life may seem beautiful...but the thorns that are agrown to them make life hard at times. The tears that shed the most precious flower will blossum to amaze again.
She sent me roses and trust that they will come again. St. Theresa - Pray for Us "Even though life is full of thorns, I'd still embrace it for I know that in between those thorns there is a rose that will always heal the pain."