From the very beginning LLYNCH has always been about doing things differently. Since the formation of the band, the main goal never changed: Creating something memorable and meaningful that every member of the band could identify with. This creative process might take longer than usual but in the end the result is something unique, uncomprimising and rewarding.
LLYNCH formed in late 2000 and never changed its line-up since. In 2001 the first EP "The Transformation of Madison" was recorded and released by Scorched Earth Policy Records in 2002. Some of the band's unique trademarks were already obvious on that first offering. Dense atmosphere, unusual harmony and rhythm combined with a strong focus on arrangement and composition that set the band apart from most of their peers. Tours and shows with bands like Converge, Anodyne, Pg. 99 and Crowpath followed and should take LLYNCH to places all over Europe.
2003 would bring a new release in a split LP with The Minor Times from the US that was recorded with Max Ludwig. The songs on that LP would be re-released in 2005 as a CD EP called "Transition Songs" on LLYNCH's own brand Acid Ayatollah Productions. The disc was enhanced with some fancy multimedia content and was accompanied by a tour with Seattle's own Playing Enemy.
Having released two well-received EPs the band felt it was time to paint a bigger picture with a full length record. After three years of hard work, spending most of the time in dark practice spaces, making strange noises with even stranger instruments, "We Are Our Ghosts" was ready to be committed to tape. The band started basic tracking with Max Ludwig at Rogue Studio in June 2007 and finished mixing the last bits with Jens "Bubbes" Steffan in May 2008. Alan Douches once again did the mastering at WestWestSide.
This is a record that dares to be challenging. "We Are Our Ghosts" is the soundtrack to a dark movie that takes place in these five people's heads. Finally the ghosts that came to haunt them are being exorcised. From the first cymbal hit to the last droning feedback LLYNCH put everything in this album that they've got. This is passion put on record. Listen to it closely and you will be rewarded.
"très bien produit, le groupe met tout de son côté pour nous offrir un très bon album qui possède son propre son"
"Vermutlich ist es die schlichte Tatsache, dass es auf diesem Album wirklich bei jedem Song etwas neues zu entdecken gibt, die dem Werk so viel Frische und Langzeitwirkung verleiht."
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"We Are Our Ghosts klingt viel zu eigenständig, viel zu abgezockt für eine deutsche Band. Was ist das überhaupt? Metalcore?"
- Fuze
"Ein Gefühl wie eine Hand, die dich gegen die Wand drückt und für mehr als eine Stunde nicht mehr loslässt"
"Llynch's style is quite a journey into sound, defies categorisation, and lives of diversity, atmosphere and a certain artistic approach"
"Im Grundton gefährlich und böse, im musikalischen Ansatz progressiv und ausufernd"
"Eines der eindruckvollsten Debütalben des Jahres“
"Eine trendfreie Reise durch unbekannte Welten mit emotionaler Tiefe und faszinierenden Dissonanzen"
"Experimentell, psychedelisch betörend, immer wieder verstörend und jederzeit kraft- und gefühlvoll"
- Metal Hammer
"Hier wurde fernab aller metallkernigen 08/15-Standards ein neuartiger Bastard geboren, der zwischen ungezügelten Ausbrüchen, bedrohlich-ruhigen und schwermütigen Parts zu pendeln weiß und somit eine emotionale Achterbahnfahrt sondergleichen darstellt"
"So ein konsistentes, durchdachtes Album bekommt man selten in die Hände"