Well were do I begin... I am a woman of many things. I am coming into the stage of life of knowing GOD and what he is capable of! I am a native of Swingtown, Mass and now living in Georgia and loving it! I have been blessed with people in my life that inspire me daily! Because of them and the grace of GOD I am able to do what I do and keep focus on what's important in life. Also I am in the works of starting my non-profit for children. It is a NPO of the arts for under priviledged youth helping build self-esteem through arts such as performing art, poetry, dance, and visual arts. So if you are a person who is in any arts or Non-profit industry give me a holla. Along with starting up my NPO I am a mother and a wife! My son is my pride and joy and a true blessing and my husband is my rock and supports me in everyway! Love you tay-tay.. LOL:) I believe in living everyday like it is your last you can't get back yesterday!