Annatasha Mraz profile picture

Annatasha Mraz

About Me

Get it right, everyone. My REAL NAME is REALLY Annatasha. The Mraz bit is just me and my wishful thinking.
I sing, I dance, I don't really steal things. :) I love Jason Mraz like no other. His music, my heartbeats.
When I am determined to do something, hells yeah I do it.
I usually answer comments that do include a question or such. I like meeting new people :) I like sharing music, love and random shit with people :)
Without performing, I might as well die. Hear that? DIE
I will get a degree in dance some time in the mere future.
Yes, I am in a band. We call ourselves Living On Virtual Exit (L.O.V.E). And no, we don't have a Myspace account... yet!
I take photos!
My DeviantArt
I like writing.
I love the colour green.
I call myself Mrs. Mraz because I am IN LOVE with that man. I'm sad, but I'm cool like that ;p
I've met my husband, J. Mraz already.
I like Willy Wonka candy. Wanna sweet-talk me? Bring those sweets first. ;)
I will marry Hayley Williams one day and yes, I am aware she's a girl.
No, I don't swing both ways.
This boy, Aiman Syafiq Alwi, owns my heart.
♥ me dead.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Hayley Williams. (I will marry her.)

Ryan Ross . (Been there, done that, baby.)

My Blog

Guess who got to meet Mr. Mraz?

04.03.09 Jason Mraz LIVE in KL.http://monkeydisease.blogspot.comPhotos are all there :D..Can you imagine the day I went through yesterday? I wake up to my Make It Mine ringtone, turn to the TV and see...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Mar 2009 05:02:00 GMT

Look whose tryna be all inspirational.

I'm somehow really inspired to write inspiring blog posts.What's the--who the hell is that calling my house at 11.33 in the bloody night?--.Back to what we were talking about. What's the first thing ...
Posted by on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 01:13:00 GMT