"Christmas Surprise simply put, is an atomic explosion of musical majesty. As I was told, Julius Sprint and Sven Gottschalk met 20 years ago at a Native American retreat somewhere in South America, from there they discovered they both possessed the gift of musicality, and decided to dedicate their lives to finding the secrets contained in musical perfection, to cure the world of fear and anger. As I write this, there is still no word on the whereabouts of Julius and Sven, as they have been missing for seven years. It is rumored that they were summoned by a shaman from a distant town to destroy an evil creature with their powerful musical abilities. Others say Sven is in rehab, and Julius is in a secret location recording a solo album. All we know is that when they return, we will be rewarded with a melodious concoction of musical fantasticy and wonder!"-Walter Willings, "Musical Amazenings Magazine", 1999-----------------------
"If Simon & Garfunkel were ordered to do 3 great things for mankind, one would be the creation of 'Christmas Surprise.' Absolutely Stunning!" - Harrisburg Gazette
-----------------------"Strangely Perverse" - Pashinki Times
------------------------CHRISTMAS SURPRISE Fully endorses Paramount Pictures film Cloverfield! We invite you to "GRAB" this Exclusive Clip, and post it on your myspace page, or blogs to spread the word of CLOVERFIELD! GRAB AWAY FRIENDS!