SOME SLANGS FOR THE DRUNKENESSDrunk,pissed,intoxicated,boozed-up,fuddle,muddled,
reely,tipsy, rat-face.arseholed, cut, half-cut, rather hightiity, got his crumb inhis beard in his cups,got a skinfull, taken draps, had his wig oil'ddiddled , sees double, sloshed ,wankered, reeled,kisky, lushed, has hisguess in his attic, has a brick in his hat. overcome. cute and cuddle .lost his sea legs, spiced, obfuscated , Tired and emotional, puned,bitten by the brewer's horse, spiced, tight, Shit-Face, smashed,sozzled, flushed, mashed ,hammered, nailed, wet, screwed, legless,has his soul soak, nazy, speechless, sponged, paralytic, squiffytangled -footed, soused , spiffed , spooned ,swiggled, drowned ,sauced , lamped, lasheng, baksak, Lost, Hilo, daze,whipped, pantoonedChanges may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile