Surprise Sex Attack profile picture

Surprise Sex Attack

About Me

From the dirtiest, shit filled gutters in the backwater suburbs of Perth, Western Australia comes Surprise Sex Attack.

Armed with varying musical inabilities and a range of drug, alcohol and sexual habits that scare most of their poor mothers, the band plays hardcore punk rock that is fast, loud and as sloppy as a gammy from a Highgate hooker.


We are recording new songs with Maxxx at Cellar Sessions in September.

We released our debut album ...a romantic interlude on Live fast Die Drunk Records in June of '08, it only took us a year to put it out... And we have just unleashed 6 new songs on the 4-way Perth punk split Live Fast Die Drunk (LFDD Records) which also features The New Husseins, ZXSPECKY and The Lungs. Launch show was an absolute fucking blast.

Come down and check us out if ya got a spare minute or two, we will let you buy us beer cause we're friendly!

We also have a song on the WA DECAY...Noise from Across the Desert compilation CD out now on Live Fast die drunk records!!! Check it out!!!

My Interests


Member Since: 16/10/2006
Band Members: Vocals - Eddie Mabo, Guitar - Mr Krawall, Drums - Oli fuckhead, Bass - Shane Nobrain.
Influences: Your mum
Sounds Like: fast, loud and sloppy

Our CD is available from all the usual local joints and online at Or from us at any show for $10!!!
For all you Yankies, Europeans and other freaks, the CD is now Available from

We also have 6 new tracks on this 4-way split. Also $10.

Weve sold out to the big multinational corps. and put some songs on the JJJ Unearthed site. Check em here.
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Song Lyrics --- Psychokiller and Surprise Sex Attack

Yo, thought id put these up. lyrics for a couple of the songs on the 4-way split 'live fast die drunk'. If you wanna know the lyrics to the other ones, get onto eddie cause id like to know what the fu...
Posted by on Sat, 04 Apr 2009 18:53:00 GMT

Press reviews of '...a romantic interlude' CD (Maximum Rocknroll, Xpress, Drum,

OK, heres a bunch of Press reviews of our 1st CD '...a romantic interlude.' The first is from The second is from Maximum Rocknroll #305. Third is from Xpress and fourth is fro...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Jan 2009 04:51:00 GMT

The full Drum Media mini interview from June 08 issue.

HAVE YOU HEARD .. .. Band Name: Surprise Sex Attack.... .. .. Next gig/s: Sat 7th of June at The Hydey for the launch of our CD .. .. In a nutshell, describe Your sound: That's a toughi...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Jul 2008 04:21:00 GMT

Recording demo

With help from top bloke mr fritz el husseino we have started recording tracks for a demo or ep or something. went well last sunday, recorded bass and drums for pretty much every song we have written ...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 00:01:00 GMT