Whats up everybody, it's ya boy YB, I wanted to take a minute to fill you in on a few things you
may not know about me...
My name is actually Rodney Shrum Jr., and am a product of the 80's, (83 to be exact) born andraised half of my life on the south side of Indianapolis,(Fountain Square) later moving downsouth to Lebanon, Tennessee.
Although music has been in my family for many generations, I would have to say I discovered mylove, passion, and ability for music while living in Tennesse; The arch reason being because ofthe diligently, and boundless love the South retains for their music. Nashville is one of thebiggest stages to the world for thier country Music, but that's not the only type of music thesouth is famous for. Tennesse along with many other southern states are known for their "DirtySouth" rap style music as well.
Basically, in the south everywhere you go, and everyone you meet possesses some sort of love formusic, so it's almost like you are surronded by it, and have no choice but to like it.
Like alot of young boys, at the age of 14 I started getting into quite a bit of trouble atschool, and in result of that finding myself in an alternitive school. This school was fardifferent from regular school, I pretty much lost all interaction, and communication witheveryone. You could compare the functions of this type of school to a jail, with the teachersbeing the C.O's, and the exception of in jail your actually allowed to talk to other people. Sowith nothing else to do here I picked up my fisrt pen and pad, and attempted my first rap. As faras the writing goes, the rest was history, that was the birth of "YB" (standing for YoungBubba).
About a year, and a half later I was still deeply dedicated to writing my raps, but was alsodeveloping an interest in wanting to make the beats for the raps I was writing. This is when Itook my first shot in the dark at making a beat using a keyboard.
While neither writing, nor making beats were an easy task at first, I concider myself to be onewho fleetly, and readily grasp onto concepts, and feel as if I had taught myself the art ofmaking music in a condensed amount of time. Still back then, far from where I am today, I was onmy way. With every new day bringing new knowledge, new oppurtunity, and new advancement, I know Iwill make it to exactly where I am suppose to be.
I am now 24 years old, an INDEPENDENT artist, and the founder/ceo/president/producer of Gettin' It Done Ent. representing Fountin Square, the south side of Indianapolis, and Indiana as a state.
I would be lying if I said music has been an easy journey, but i will say it has been adifficult one that has so far been well worth it. I have always loved music, and always will, andI know from the bottom of my heart this is what I was destined to do with my life. So get readyWORLD , and make room on ya map for YB, Gettin' It Done Ent., and the south side of Indianapolis!
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