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I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is Cassie, I have a eight-year-old son who is my WORLD, and i'm going to Baker College for surgical technology.. love it:)
I generally know what I want in life. I know where my career is headed, and I know what my goals are. I love all the people in my life, and I’ve learned to distinguish when certain people shouldn’t be in my life. I don’t have room for drama or backstabbing, and so I choose my friends accordingly. The ones that have remained through the years are the best set of friends that anyone could have, and I love them with all my heart (most of them you can find on my friends list ;). I’m always open to making new friends.
I’m generally a very trusting person. When meeting someone, I always give them the benefit of the doubt. Everyone has a different story, and there are a LOT of good people in the world. Yet sometimes it seems that I'm a little too trusting of people, so be warned that once you give me reason to doubt you, I go into wary-mode very quickly. Basically, if you lie to me, it will be a very long time, if ever, that I trust you again. That’s just who I am. I’ve been both blessed and burned many times over the years. I can usually see when either one is coming. If you can’t find the decency to be honest with me, then you can find the door. I don’t have time to waste on fakeness or on dancing around the truth of things.
My family is very important to me. Although we’re quite dysfunctional sometimes (ha), I would never have chosen any other group of people to call my family. I don’t see a lot of them as much as I would like, but they’re always in my thoughts, and I love them so much. This also applies to my “extended family” (aka the Reynas & the DeLoys).
I’m a very open-minded person when it comes to almost anything. I believe to each his own, and that no one should dictate who another person loves, what choices they make about their own bodies and lives, or what, if any, God they worship. As long as you treat others with respect, then you deserve to have respect shown to you, and your beliefs as well. Every person on this earth is an individual, and shouldn’t have to live by specific societal-programmed responses if they don't feel that it's right for them. Anyone who bickers about how OTHER people are choosing to live their lives is wasting precious time. Life is short. If everyone could respect other’s beliefs and treat people as individuals, then I believe this world would be a lot more peaceful and much nicer to live in.
This video is something that everyone should see. Some of the best advice i've ever heard..
Just Some Random Questions!:
Random Questions
Whats your favorite season? summer
How do you want to be remembered after you die? i'm not aiming for anything spectacular.. that would be cool, but I'll just be happy that I have friends and family that would remember me and miss me.
What's the main thing you want right now? to snap my fingers and have all my homework done and etched in my memory.. so sick of homework right now..
What three things couldn't you live without if you were stranded on a desert island? music, food, and a sexy man, ha.
What's your favorite type of weather? warm and sunny
Has anyone hurt you recently? If so who? nope
Do you like to read? yes, i love it
What kind of books do you like to read? humor books, horror and suspense, medical books (i know, NERD! That's me)
Favorite Authors? Laurie Notaro, Stephen King, Robin Cook, Chuck Palahniuk, Atul Gawande, Michael Collins..
Favorite books? EVERY book by Laurie Notaro, Haunted, Choke, Hot Lights Cold Steel, Gerald's Game..
Do like to drive fast? yes, but i usually don't. can't afford a ticket.
Are you a night person or a morning person? a little bit of both.
What is your perfect paradise? idk.. i guess being in a warm, sunny place with good music, good food, and good people, as well as a quiet place to relax whenever I wanted. Sounds pretty heavenly to me.
What country or countries would you like to visit? Spain, Germany, Australia, India, ...there's a lot of em actually.
Are you for Capital Punishment? depends on what they did and if there's 100% proof that they did it.
Are you happy with the way our country is run? not at all, but hopefully Obama will step up and start improving things around here.
Do you believe in literal good and evil? I believe in literal good and evil actions, yes.
Do you believe in the devil? I can't say for sure
Do you swear? yes
Do you believe in the supernatural? somewhat. can't prove it or disprove it.
Are you addicted to Myspace? I don't have TV, so yes, I spend quite a bit of time on here..
Favorite stores to shop at? Barnes & Noble, Best Buy, Old Navy, Hot Topic
What's your favorite holiday Halloween, then Christmas
What's your favorite month? July (perfect weather month AND my birthday:)
What do you do when your stressed and need to unwind? listen to music, watch tv shows on the net, or read and have a few beers.
Does your curiosity get the best of you ever? unfortunately, yes.
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You Scored as Agnosticism

You scored as agnosticism. You are an agnostic. Though it is generally taken that agnostics neither believe nor disbelieve in God, it is possible to be a theist or atheist in addition to an agnostic. Agnostics do not know or claim to know whether or not God exists, but could admit that someone else might know. An intellectually honest agnostic would have to take that position, as he has no more evidence of the impossibility of knowing God than he has of the existence of God. Agnosticism is a philosophy that God's existence is not proven. Some say it is possible to be agnostic and follow a religion; however, one cannot be a devout believer if he or she does not truly believe.

Agnosticism ..
.. 90% .. ..
Paganism ..
.. 70% .. ..
Buddhism ..
.. 65% .. ..
Confucianism ..
.. 65% .. ..
Atheism ..
.. 60% .. ..
Hinduism ..
.. 60% .. ..
Christianity ..
.. 60% .. ..
Satanism ..
.. 55% .. ..
Islam ..
.. 50% .. ..
Haruhism ..
.. 35% .. ..
Judaism ..
.. 30% .. ..
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

See more funny videos at Funny or DieJohn Mayer... ...and he's STILL hot, lol:P

My Blog

Makes me wanna blog..

I had about the best day at work (internship) EVER today! I usually don't work on Mondays, but I had hours to make up, so I went in anyway, but I was whining and dragging ass all morning. Clerks style...
Posted by on Mon, 18 May 2009 09:21:00 GMT

Fit to be FRIED

When describing my skin tone, I had my clinical instructor refer to me as a "red-headed stepchild". I'm white. Pale. Almost reflective, ha. But today when my classmate Cortney suggested that I go to t...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Apr 2009 15:35:00 GMT

Adventures in shopping

I went shopping today for a dress to wear to Nikki and Jim's wedding next weekend. Not only did I find a kick ass dress (I love, love, LOVE it), but I also found a pair of shoes and two tops. All on s...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Apr 2009 12:29:00 GMT

Savor the flavor ;)

I discovered Missy Higgins a while ago when they used one of her songs on a TV show.. Grey's Anatomy if I remember right... and though I was impressed, I kind of forgot about her until I was reminded ...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Mar 2009 18:25:00 GMT

A long overdue flavor of the week...

For a while I was doing a "flavor of the week" with my current music tastes... it's been a while, so... right now I'm listening (again) to the "Once" movie soundtrack. This is, in my opinion, the best...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 17:04:00 GMT


I just got done filling out my graduation application for school. I can't believe it's so close now!! Just today, when I was filling out my registration for next term, in the box where they ask you, "...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Feb 2009 16:05:00 GMT

Misery loves company.

How much is too much? When people behave in a way or say questionable things that lead you to think, "What an asshole", how much do you write off? Everyone's different, so you can chock some things up...
Posted by on Wed, 17 Dec 2008 16:40:00 GMT

Eloquently and beautifully sad.

Why is light given to those in misery, and life to the bitter of soul; To those who long for death that does not come; Who search for it more than hidden treasure; Who are filled with gladne...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Oct 2008 00:18:00 GMT

The mother of all lists...

This is for Ron & Edna.. and whoever else is curious. It's my iTunes library.. it's a little out of order.. and I know some of these songs will get a laugh, lol. Some of them I have for ...
Posted by on Mon, 05 May 2008 08:33:00 GMT

Spring thaw ;) ha

Ah, the creativity that runs in my family... this is how my grandma was thawing her steaks when I went to visit the other day... us Michiganders sure do know how to take advantage of warm weather ;)
Posted by on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 17:53:00 GMT