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King David

the man after Gods own heart.

About Me

Hey I'm King David, and let me tell you about how I became king. Well, when I was younger, this cool prophet named Samuel was chosen to come and talk to my dad Jesse. You see, God had chosen one member of my family to be the next king of Israel. So after much debate, my dad let me see Samuel (he wouldnt let me at first because I wasn't really considered the best son), and wouldn't you know that I was chosen to be the next king by Samuel.
Well, the excitement didnt stop there; my brothers and King Saul were fighting the Philistines when I went down to see if they needed anything. They were fighting the Philistines, and this huge giant named Goliath was egging them on and talking bad about my God. So, I told Saul that I wasn't going to listen to this guy, and that I was going to do something about it. Saul thought I was kidding, but he gave me his armor for the battle. It didn't fit, so I just took some stones and my sling. I didn't have to worry, for I knew that God was on my side. I walked out onto the battlefield, and I killed the guy. That was so cool, but I couldnt have done it with out God on my side.
Saul became jealous, so I ended up being afraid for my life. Over time I became king, and I fought in battles that made Isreal a great nation. As a king, I commanded tribute from nations all over the world. My wealth and power were unmatched.
The problem with power is that sometime it makes you do stupid things. During one battle, I took the wife of another general. I should have been in the fight instead of being at home, and I was wrong for what I did. God punished me by having one of my sons lead a rebellion against me. The rebellion didn't succeed, but I was never as powerful or glorious as I was before.
I named my son Solomon to take my place as king. He became one of the greatest, most wise kings in all of ancient history. Today my words live in as I am the author of over half of the poems in the Psalms. The Psalms are the book of worship for Jews and Christians, and they have been read for thousands of years.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Jesus- he is one of my descendants. I think He's a pretty important figure in History.
Alexander the Great- what was so great about him? So he won a few battles- so did I!
Ms. Sears- Any teacher that can get Autumn Dailey to take an interest in Ancient History must be amazing.
Noah- I need to know how he built that boat.
Attila the Hun- I'd like to see if he's all that
Goliath- Who's your daddy now, tough guy? Got something else to say about my God? Forget about it.

My Blog

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