I am imperfect on the surface, but pure in essence , just like you. I have a vast array of emotions. I have partaken in both sin and in virtue, just like you. I have a peronality, an ego, and habit patterns like everyone else. I have caught a glimpse of that beyond the personality and ego overlay, beyond senses, so I know there is a realm beyond senses. Indeed there are many realms, mostly mental constructs. It is in the gap between existence and non-existence where our truest essence lies. Some call it the Tao, others enlightenment. We are all much more than soley this human expression. Whatever your name for the Tao, for the awakened one, for the expression of your highest self - may you never be seperated from that. May all beings in all realms be free from sorrow and suffering. We are human, let's work with what we got, aspire to realize our fullest potential. Noone is perfect, let's practice kindness, compassion, and patience as much as we can. May we all continue to practice virtue and not be too hard on ourselves when we slip up. Life is a trip - but it isn't supposed to be a guilt trip! Peace, Love, and Understanding. You can not change the world, but you can transform your mind!
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