class of '07
cerritos high school
loves to hang out with friends
needs music everyday
lion dance
good listener
big brother to two lil kids
Jessica is cool
Half guy/girl
a weirdo, wacko, n loser all in one
give it all till the day you die
keep trying till you can finally fly
give your heart and soul and never quit
forget the critics they dont know shit
live life to the fullest till the end
cause you never know whats around the next bend
no matter what people say dont be afraid to fall
cause the only way to learn and improve is to give it all
***ATTENTION***: this myspace has been visited by JESSICA! I met this dude in 7th grade Carmenita in Mrs. McGeary's class, and the first impression he made on me was "Nick is such a loser", but he's a COOL loser...! He's realllllly shy, quiet, and held-back at times, but when u get u know him, he talks soooo much (to the point where he never shuts up) jk...Seriously though, he has an awesome personality that I fell in love with and everyone does, because he always lends a hand to help friends out when they ask him. He'd do anything for friends. He's mellow and crazy at the same time, so if u want to be this his friend, add or IM him! =)
est. 3-6-06
the farm est. 3-6-06
elephant, feo gato/fish, sleepy goose, the perro, the turtle, the bird
Layout made by Jewcy