I love to play the piano. I love to play Softball love to stay in shape. I don't like long walks through the park. I rather go on a date to the amuesment park. LOL
I would like to meet Chris Brown. He is the best he came to my school That's another thing I can brag about. Yeah he look sexy on this pic he look even better in person. LOL
Chris Brown Rap R&B. I love to play classical music on the piano that's about it
Coach Carter, Stomp the yard(Chris Brown). HOney. I love dance movies. I love to dance never a wall flower. as you can see I feel in love with Stomp the yard even though Chris Brown died in the first 10 min.s (tear) but the concept of the movie was great. when I attend Xavier University Imma make sure I will be pledging.
ONe on one, The game, America's next top model
Anything by Zane Around the way girls The coldest winter ever Im very picky bout my books I read. they gotta catch my interest from the jump
The man up stairs...My mother...My family...A few friends Charde, Mattique(T.T), Kathy and Kenisha Brit and Tay...My Gov. techer Foster Hicks...I only known him for like a year but it's been nothing but positove things that he has brought to my life.