a-a-a-alyssa♥<moves her body...> profile picture

a-a-a-alyssa♥&lt;moves her body...&gt;

gotta love me...♥

About Me

Well, I'm Alyssa Dee...
and I attend Airport High School.
And to be straight up with you...
I know I'm a bitch, you don't have to tell me.
I love hanging out with my bestfriends ,
Kaitlyn is the greatest, I don't know what I'd do without her!!
I taught Kristin all she knows ;]
I would do anything for any of my friends.
And I would die without my phone..
especially if I didn't have texting.
I love my parents..sometimes.
My dad and I go hunting in Walterboro and party and ride four-wheelers :D.
I absolutely LOVE drawing!!
I love playing sports...anything physical,
but mostly volleyball, tennis, and football!
I love cold nights and hot days!
I'm not a "morning person" or a "night person"...
I'm more of an ALL the time person
[Ask people who spend the weekend with me :D]
Dancing and listening to music is the shit!!
The Stinnard family, is just like my second home.
I love them so much and I don't know what I'd do without them.
And Shane...haha he's my best friend!! :]
Any more questions? IM me at HoTnSeXyQtPiE123 and get the info.!!!
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My Interests

shopping, hunting, fishing, cheering, softball, volleyball, dancing, hanging with friends, getting in TROUBLE-there Jeremy!, and talking ..!ALYSSA

I'd like to meet:

anyone who knows how to have a good time...I think I already met him :], but celebrity wise would be: Gwen Stefani, Fergi, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Johnny Depp, Will Ferrel, etc.


pretty much everything ♥


scary movies duh! but my favorite movie is Forrest Gump!! Other than that I really like alot of movies, but scary movies are the best!!!!


I love watching Law & Order, CSI, Cold Case, Without A Trace, Gilmore Girls, Will & Grace, but mainly tv shows that I have to really think about & where I try to solve the "case" in my head.


what are those...nah just kidding, but yes of course I can read!!! lol i'm blonde but not that blonde wait huh.....oh yea lol...but i like reading sumtimes but only Mary Higgins Clark and James Patterson novels!!!


kimbo ♥
kaity loo ♥