About Me
I have always had introspective thoughts on my meager, one-bedroom life, and through listening to my Human Subordinate, I figured out one day that even humans of the lower intellects can manage to type coherently. She always came up to me, saying "You're smarter than most people I know, Tashi. You could rule the universe if you wanted, Tashi." And one fateful day, when she left to teach class, I stood on her barstool chair, extended my claws to the keyboard, and figured out that I could, in fact, express my thoughts on a computer screen. You see, I used to live in a house with three other people, who made stupid babbly noises at me, begged me to come to them so that they could pet me, and gave me inordained food whenever I came into the room - generally, acted as my personal slaves whenever the Human Subordinate left to go to work for my welfare. Now, though she continues to buy me Fancy Feast Tuna in Gravy day by day since I won't eat anything else, there's no one else to provide me the minionship that I need - no, not need - deserve. So here, I've joined the one service on the internet that caters to humans, animals, cartoon characters, and even inanimate objects alike, to share a few thoughts and acquire a few more e-minions at least. But hey. You take what you can get.