Eric profile picture


My rats come in pax.

About Me

I drink whiskey in the morning, I drink wine at night.

My Interests

American history, FDR, the 1930s, extreme political movements, the media, hating the media, art vs. commerce, free jazz, writing, seeing how much I can drink while retaining some semblance of writing ability, personality types, dreams, philosophical dialogues, golf, travel, planning my next trip to Greece and Turkey, Chinatowns, wilderness, and so much more

I'd like to meet:



Tom Waits, Tim Buckley, people who sing in more than one voice, Billie Holiday, Bing Crosby, early 30s dance bands, jazz, Ornette Coleman, Grachan Moncur III, Bobby Hutcherson, Larry Young, Albert Ayler, avant garde, Can, Neu!, other 70s German groups, Einsturzende Neubauten, 80s industrial (guilty pleasure), underground hip hop, Quasimoto, DJ Shadow, Prefuse 73, Four Tet, Ricci Rucker, Squarepusher, noise, United States of Belt, Taiwan Deth, and sometimes, especially female singers, especially Jenny Lewis, Gillian Welch, and I still listen to Postal Service, Iron and Wine, Elliott Smith, Johnny Cash, and the last three Bob Dylan albums


King Kong, stop-motion animation, most cartoons and short subjects up to about 1960, classic comedies, W.C. Fields, Narcotic, 1930s/40s exploitation, Poverty Row horrors, film noir, Rope, Sweet Smell of Success, Force of Evil, Touch of Evil, giallo, Satyricon, all kinds of 70s Italian and German stuff that no one else cares about, Jeder fur sich und Gott gegen Alle, Chinatown, The Conversation, The King of Marvin Gardens, Thieves Like Us, Day of the Locust, Taxi Driver, some Greenaway, Waking Life, Searching for the Wrong-Eyed Jesus, and so on


The Sopranos, Brotherhood, House, Six Feet Under


The Grapes of Wrath, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, As I Lay Dying, most Orwell, Desert Solitaire, Hunter S. Thompson, thought-provoking nonfiction, ancient and 20th century history, Who Are We?, Sex Drugs & Cocoa Puffs


Lou Dobbs