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R.I.P. Grandma

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DeSeanA good person you were, never to hate. Wish you would have had help but now its too late. U will always be remembered and always be missed. Damn I wish it didn’t have to happen like this. Now you’re gone to a better place..."there" in the future when I’ll see your face. To rest is your heart, mind, and soul....the news upon your death has taken a toll. I would wish u luck but of your worries, that'll be the least...All I can say now is you are loved and Rest in Peace.It's going on a year now and it feels like just yesterday and iv gone through so much science uv been gone i just wish how ur being remembered wasnt the only way. living w/ u and just knowing u r 2 different things damn could u put food away and still b houngry but always thankfull for all u had my prayers are always w/ ur sisters i know ur always close to them its still so very hard for me to hold back tears i cant imagion how its going to b in 2 months that will make it a year w/ out u only u know the trouth but they said they cought the 4th and final guy involved and it was poasted the day b4 my birthday so i got my birthday blessing love u desean and we well never b apart i feel u with me in all i do and i know iv made u proud from where i was 2 where i am i just wish u could b here to tell me so everyday im reminded of how we were 2gether nothing could ever make me forget 1 love RIP R.I.P DeSean This is not where our relationship ends You are greatly missed; I'll see you up there I'll bring the food you bring the blunt for old-time sake October 9th, 2006 Our hands will always be clean.


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My Heroes are not from movies or comic books but I look up to them as though I couldn’t imagine going through what they have endured. My mother did a great job at raising me even through all the spells I owe u my life and all my accomplishments are for you. I Love You! Grandma & Grandpa your always taking care of us. My uncles Joe & Steve without you 2 I would never make it anywhere. My Uncle Bobbie I look up to, admire, and envy you I have nothing but respect for you I love you!
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I had school that day we went to the Bowling allie for gym as we were getting on the bus to go back to school I noticed that the buss driver was crying and watching a little handheld television when I looked at the TV screen it left me with nothing but questions all I saw was a plane crash into a building and the buildings crumbling I was in 7th grade and it was a nice day outside a day that would have been marked as a normal uneventful day is now the day every year when I take a moment of silence for those who were effected by the tragedy also in that moment of silence the day comes back to me as if it were yesterday.
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Posted by R.I.P. Grandma on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 11:30:00 PST

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Posted by R.I.P. Grandma on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 07:38:00 PST

all thats on my mind right now

  the saying you dont know what you have until u lose it well I have an amazing grandmother and I don't know what ill have if I lose her the past few weeks iv watched her decline in health and s...
Posted by R.I.P. Grandma on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 01:16:00 PST

U know U could use a Massage...!

ok ppl heres the deal, i need bodys to massage and its only $35 but for your first one ill give u $5 dollars off! soo call me and let me know when u want to come in just think if you do this...
Posted by R.I.P. Grandma on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 05:54:00 PST


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Posted by R.I.P. Grandma on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 08:27:00 PST