Power is an extremely fragile, yet, perilous flower, whose thorns reside within the heart of the flower itself. Poison leaks from the cuts and scrapes that the thorns themselves spawn, all because of self-hatred. The poison does not submerge the flower to death, but inundates the flower in a psychedelic ignis fatuus, which gives off the illusion of complete control and reality of complete nothingness. Flowers change through the process of evolution. Even the most elusive flower transforms into a beautifully comprehensive metaphor of life. Evolution is the process of change through growth and development, at times, the evolution reverses, which causes degradation and the state of the process becomes transposed. On the other hand, a much more complex and elaborate process can create positive social, educational, and economical advancements. And so the flower now has the ability to think for itself. A poisonous flower; a metaphor of and for power, only exhibits chaotic nature which creates fear in the lives of many...for ‘power’ can think for itself. It conjures evil thoughts to he who holds the deception of complete control and misinterprets thought manifestations of peace with thoughts of wars, which in reality is nothing more than a contemptuous crime, utterly interdicting the ‘minds’ of our youth…the ‘minds’ of our future..."