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About Me

I'm Alex. I'm witty, loud, and more than a little off beat. I will say what I want to say, and you are going to listen to it and like it. I'm obsessed with hello kitty, and I collect photobooth pictures. I probably love my snakes more than I love you. Probably.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Sarah Silverman

Myspace Layouts at / Illusion

My Blog

California, Part IV (long and delayed)

I said I would close out this series when I could find the words to describe the experience. Not only did I find the words, but I found the truth. The truth: You flew me out for a good fuck. And it wa...
Posted by on Fri, 15 May 2009 00:13:00 GMT

California, Part III

Dear Diary,8:00 PM. I slept until 8 o'fucking clock pm. Granted, I did not get to sleep until about 9:00 AM, but that's what happens after a night like last night. We left Santa Barbara in the afterno...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Feb 2009 23:15:00 GMT

California, Part II

Dear Diary,Dear Mom and Dad, This morning I woke up and had no idea what to wear, and went through about 4 different outfits before deciding on the one that I originally wanted, yet couldn't find the ...
Posted by on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 11:55:00 GMT

California, Part I

Dear Diary,Thursday morning at 6 AM, I was dropped off at the airport to begin my adventure (thank you, Danny). Such a quiet time for the airport. No noise, no running around, and no line at security ...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Jan 2009 14:38:00 GMT

What goes around comes in your face.

I'd like to take the time to talk about caring, although I'm not sure exactly what to say. It's a selfless action that has become a self-centered tool for others. It's as though caring only occurs whe...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 14:33:00 GMT

So Pure, such an expression.

I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt, because it does. I feel neglected, abandoned, betrayed.Of course I've had my heart broken before. Of course I've had my feelings run through a paper shredder whi...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 15:38:00 GMT

10 Facts. You heard them somewhere.

I know I've done this before, and I saw it recently and wanted to post it again.I will write 10 different things to 10 different people, anonymously. Some may be obvious, many will be for those closes...
Posted by on Sun, 20 Jul 2008 18:38:00 GMT

No Hiding, No Safe Cover.....

And it happened. It happened well before it was due. It's the way you expect your period to come on Wednesday, but on Monday there was bloodshed. It's like I opened fire way before it was acceptable t...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Jul 2008 13:35:00 GMT

Filling in Holes

It was like I was 8 again. Sitting in the same sand on the same beach. Picking up the same handfuls of wet sand, and feeling the same clams burrowing down to my same palm, only slightly bigger than it...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 14:13:00 GMT

Eternity Awaits

"Moments lost though time remains I am so proud of what we wereNo pain remains, no feeling Eternity awaits"It's funny. No pain does remain. There is no longer that heart-wrenching feeling. And yes, VN...
Posted by on Wed, 28 May 2008 09:38:00 GMT