véroniques sentiment terreur profile picture

véroniques sentiment terreur

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey guys!
My name is Vero and I’m 18 years old!
And fuck you! I'm not bisexual or whatever!
I was born in the Czech republic but with the age
of 4 I moved to Austria.
Now I live in Vienna
I want to know what I want
I want to to understand
I don’t want to fall into a hole and never find out
No! I won’t support this anymore!
People look at me and they think they know everything
about me and how I’m like!
I hate that and I don’t want to get like them when I’m older!!!
I want to understand my Life and all People.
My friend are the impotents people form me,
they mean the world to me!
My family… I just love my little sister, she is 6 years old
and when she gets older, she will be the prettiest girl I’ll know! ;)
My mum… she was 19 when she got pregnant…
She did pretty much for me when I was younger.
My dad… I don’t know him … but when I’ll see him, I’ll
kick his ass off! xD
My stepfather… what should I say…
I know you now 14 years and you’re like a total stranger to me!
Hmmm… I think you know now pretty much about me =P
In Love, Vero
Comment me?
People who mean the world to me
♥ Nik
MSN: veronika-kate@hotmail.com
weil du mich immer zum lachen bringst
und mich einfach nur glücklich machst wie es keiner
bis jz geschaft hat
weil du immer da bist wenn ich dich brauche und
verlass auf dich ist
und du mich erträgst obwohl ich öfters kompliziert bin
ich fühl mich immer geborgen in deiner gegenward, so
dass mir alles andere komplett egal ist
ich denke wir haben schon viel durchgemacht..
und ich will einfach nur dass du weisst das du mir
verdammt wichtig bist und ich dich verdammt lieb hab!
vergiss das bitte nie!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My Blog

Mein Persönlichkeitstest ...stimmt wirklich he =O

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Posted by on Mon, 12 Oct 2009 14:45:00 GMT


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Posted by on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 02:50:00 GMT