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~ Rene' ~

About Me

h3 ********h3 *******h3 h3 h3 h3 h3 ~ Closed doors help us to enlarge our visions ~ ************************************************************ ********* h3 Click here for Myspace glitter graphics and Myspace layouts
h3 h3 h3 ~I wanna go where I can lighten the load, Drive a little on the wrong side of the road, Play my guitar in the island sun, Hang with the locals at the bar, where you can be a tourist, a beach bum, or a star & "be who you are".~ h3 h3 h3 h3 h3 h3 h3 h3

Your Personality Is
Guardian (SJ)
I am sensible, down to earth, and goal oriented.
Bottom line, I am good at playing by the rules.
I tend to be dominant - and I am a natural leader.
I am interested in rules and order. Morals are important to me.
A hard worker, I give my all at whatever I do.
In love, I tend to take things carefully and slowly.
At work, I am suited to almost any career - but I excel in leadership positions.
With others, I tend to be polite and formal.
As far as looks go, I am traditionally attractive. I take good care of myself.
The Three Question Personality Test h3
You Are Best Described By...
From the Lake, No. 1
by Georgia O'Keeffe What Famous Work of Art Are You?
h3 h3 h3 h3

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My Interests

h3 ~Creativity, Flexibility & Expanding capasity is an asset..& an inspiration..Combining open minded enthusiasm for truth with the optimism of youth~♥ h3 h3 LOVE♥LOVE♥LOVE♥LOVE♥LOVE h3 ♥The breaths we breathe sustain us; our hearts keep us open to love. It's not always we find ourselves with our heart, but, the connections we have keep us from falling apart♥h3 ♥A friend knows the song in your heart & sings it to you when memory fails.♥ h3 The greatness of a nation and it's moral progress can be judged by the way it's animals are treated.--Ghandi h3 ♥ Music & Animals... Comedians like Mitch Hedburg & Dave Chapelle.. USC, Pittsburg Steelers, San Diego Chargers.. I have 2 pets.. My cat Sadies (Sadie Lady)she's 5 & a female albino California King snake Snakey (Bitey Boop)she's 2.. I love being outdoors in the sunshine, swimming, kickin at the beach. I enjoy the beauty of the desert landscape. ♥I like to chill with my friends; who are the most creative, clever & fun people I know♥ I can't stand liars or users & I distance myself from people I consider toxic & ungenuine. I love long drives to help clear my head... There is a major bookworm side to me as well. I am pretty down-to-earth & have an intrinsic desire to master subject matter. I'm a writer at heart. I enjoy articulate & thought provoking conversations. But, more than anything, I lalalove music, playing the guitar.. I Luv Live Shows, Bands... Hanging Out, Getting Ahead. h1

I'd like to meet:

************************************************************ ************ Cool People!..& ♥A beautiful man, with a beautiful soul. Someone who is the sweetest sexy thing, also..funny, clever, creative, charming, childlike, confident, honest, ambitious, open minded, genuine, generous & patient..A protector♥Someone who can love me, as Amazing as I am, flaws & all.♥.. ************************************************************ ************ Dalai Lama, Laird Hamilton, Paul McCartney, Iggy Pop, Ween. h3 h3 h3 h3 h3 ********* Videos by WEEN (: ********* ♥Music brings new people together & reunites old friends♥ h3 ********* Classic kick*ass performances!♥ ********* h3

TheKarmaQuiz.com - Online Karma Test Click Here! Sheryl Rene'...... Your Karmic Alignment is:... Enlightenment!
Score: 26 ♥You have a lot of positive karma, and have good intentions in life. People would normally characterize you with being a kind, sensitive giving person. Remember that by creating positive karma seeds, they will soon blossom. If you work hard enough it is capable to gain enlightenment, and maintain inner peace.h3 ♥
h3 I really ♥ this pic of me taken in Pacific Beach! h3 h3 h3


h3 The Beatles, The Pixies, Radiohead, Arctic Monkeys, TV on the Radio, Mudhoney, Ween, The Ramones, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Muse h3 , 8mm♥, MGMT, Beastie Boys, Buddy Holly, Jimi Hendrix, INXS, Millionaire, QOTSA, Pink Floyd, Jeff Buckley, Randy Rhoades, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Ani DiFranco, Alice In Chains, Sonic Youth, David Bowie, Iggy & the Stooges, Elliot Smith♥, Amy Winehouse, Lou Reed & the Velvet Underground, Bob Marley, Tesla, NIN, Faith No More, Tool, Misfits, Pantera, L7, Rancid, Hot Hot Heat, The White Stripes, The Raconteurs, KISS, The Killers, Flaming Lips, The Shins, Violent Femmes, Meat Puppets, Suicidal Tendencies, The Pretenders, The Beach Boys, Patsy Cline, Mazzy Star, Julee Cruise, Christina Aguilera, Leonard Cohen, Cream, Thin Lizzy, Cowboy Junkies, Johnny Cash.. *I'm down with Hip Hop too.* ..Love TuPak, Snoop, Kanye.. Our National Anthem is definately amongst my favorite songs. h3 h3 ♥


are cool...I really Love... The Greatest Story ever Told, Forrest Gump, Almost Famous, Titanic, The Joy Luck Club, BOBBY, The Celestine Prophecy, Memoirs of a Geisha, Pulp Fiction, The Doors, Crash, King Kong, Singles, True Romance, School of Rock, Donnie Darko, The Rainmaker, Exit to Eden, Like Water For Chocolate, Chungking Express, Apocalypto, Natural Born Killers, The Crow, Wild At Heart, Goodfellas, Scarface, Hustle & Flow, The Godfather, Dazed & Confused, Young Guns, The Bone Collector, The Devils' Advocate, Oh Brother Where Art Thou?, Coal Miners Daughter, Urban Cowboy, An Officer and A Gentleman, Top Gun, The Blue Lagoon, An American Tale...all the comic book movies...also..Turner Classic Movie channel♥. I love scary movies too.. during the movie I luv being scared..but when it's over I freak myself out for weeks. h3


♥LOST!.. season Dvd's is the only way to go!..Also, Saving Grace, Smallville, Kids in the Hall, Seinfeld, The Simpsons, That 70's Show, The X-Files, Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Everybody loves Raymond... Nip/Tuck, 24..who doesn't watch CSI?(: Lou Dobbs Tonight(seriously!!!check it.) ...LaLaLaLove the Discovery Channel & Animal Planet; also.. WSOP, UFC.. h3


What are books??..My favorite....Magazine! hehe(:Ehn..I really Love books. 'Soul Mates' by Thomas Moore..This is a must read for everyone! ~I am currently reading 'Siddhartha' by Hermann Hesse..again~ I loved..'Christ the Lord Out of Egypt' by Ann Rice...'The Te of Piglet'. 'The Pearl' from John Steinbeck. I have lots of him. The Vampire Chronicles from Anne Rice.♥Luv her. Also, 'Sophies World', 'Asylum', 'The Alchemist', ♥The Holy Bible♥.. I dig Hunter S. Thompson, Kurt Cobain, Jack Kerouac.. Confucious.


h3 h3 h3 Sitting Bull ***************************** ***************************** h3
adopt your own virtual pet!Myspace Layouts h3 h3 A gift.. h3 ♥PrAiSe GOD♥

My Blog

.. ~ Tell my Mom, her Daughters the BomB!! ~

Just keeping it Real!!.. (:  Story of my life: ~I'm the shit. The End~.   xoxo 
Posted by ~ Rene' ~ on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 03:07:00 PST

This Ive Imagined..

This I've imagined.. Softening cynical hearts, Saving my Love for only one.. Is everything magic?  Without fear, Potential is enriched by a complex journey within... Faith & Forgiveness bring...
Posted by ~ Rene' ~ on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 11:33:00 PST

From me to you*

The one who got away.. he is my taunting song. The sun knows it's going down..The moon appointed for seasons. This child still wanting to play.. Knowing only something is wrong. Hide away your lonely ...
Posted by ~ Rene' ~ on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 01:21:00 PST

Taking time is a matter of giving value to simple forms of exchange.

Allowing painful & shadowy matters into the dialogue has relevance to ordinary conversations...'polite conversation' may not be enough to evoke soul. In intimate conversation, soul is evoked often...
Posted by ~ Rene' ~ on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 01:57:00 PST

Imagination over expectation..

Love of the soul, sometimes felt as nothing more than tolerance of its unreasonable demands, is the basis for intimacy among people. Honoring that aspect of the soul that is irrational and extreme, we...
Posted by ~ Rene' ~ on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 05:07:00 PST

With so many opportunities, it's a shame to do nothing.

With so many opportunities, it's a shame to do nothing...   To raise, create, & inspire compassion...   To strive to end cruelties & injustices to animals...   To...
Posted by ~ Rene' ~ on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 12:01:00 PST

Hey Now

Every moment that you spend upset, in dispair, in anguish, angry or hurt because of the behavior of anybody else in life,...is a moment in which you have given up control of your own life.  Howev...
Posted by ~ Rene' ~ on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 10:38:00 PST