Amongst Thieves profile picture

Amongst Thieves

Rants, Raves, and Other Accusations.

About Me

Amongst Thieves is not going to change the world. This is not someones vision, this is not a dream of some bohemian utopia. This is a way for the people i know and consort with (myself included) to get their material out there becasue every lit mag, photo journal and any other circulated publishing you can think of has turned us down. Amongst Thieves is here to give lousy poetry and poorly structured writing a home. A place where we, the over inspired and under educated can tell our story. The community college of bohemia, where we admit, yes, our is shitty, but its still better than yours. So crack open a can of PBR and light up another lucky strike, put that paper for your liberal arts degree off until tommorow, and enjoy the ramblings and observations of disillusioned suburbanite youth. Feel the love, and know the honor Amongst Thieves.-Boyd JohnsonThis profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor

My Interests

whatever you send me. seriously. poetry, short fiction, columns, b&w photogrophy, that creepy drawing on your american history notes, whatever you've got.

I'd like to meet:

people who have submitted works and material wherever they can and never get a response.
send submissions, ideas, hate mail, suggestions or anything else you may have to say to - [email protected]


jack micheline.